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My Immortal Knight V: Uncovering Navarro Page 7


  Finally! He didn’t need to stretch his extra sense to hear her internal thought. Her cheeks grew rosy, and her mouth softened.

  Lazily, he cupped her breast and squeezed the small mound.

  She thrust into his hand, encouraging him to play.

  He traced the velvet-soft areola and scraped his fingernail over the center.

  She shivered, and her heart beat faster. Her nipple beaded instantly.

  Her body’s quick obedience deserved reward. He clasped the tip between his thumb and finger and twisted it until she squirmed beside him. Then he gave the other nipple a tender tweaking.

  Sidney’s teeth sank into her lower lip, and her eyelids drooped.

  Navarro leaned in for a kiss, intending a quick buss before he got down to the business of taking.

  But Sidney opened her mouth beneath his and thrust her tongue inside, her soft sigh mingling with his breath.

  With that slight encouragement, Navarro ravaged her mouth, sliding his lips over hers, darting his tongue inside to duel. When he pulled away, he struggled against the urge to roll her body beneath his and stab into her depths.

  His hand wandered lower, gliding over her tummy and downward to slip between her legs.

  She didn’t make a sound, but she opened her legs wider to accommodate his exploration, rolling her hips softly as he traced her slit.

  Finding her drenched, Navarro suppressed a growl. She’d napped only half an hour, but each minute that ticked past had him wrestling the beast inside that wanted to pounce on her and be done with it. His cock ached with need.

  As she’d slept, oblivious to the lust tightening every muscle of his body, he’d pulled back the covers to look at every succulent part of her. He’d breathed in her scents, sniffing along her skin as he’d made that journey, his mouth watering as he’d hovered over her pungent sex. He’d even dared to lap the pulse that beat steadily at the side of her throat, anticipating the meal he’d make of her tangy blood.

  Impatient to complete his exploration, Navarro rolled over her, ignoring her gasp, blanketing her from breast to toe. His sex settled in the space between her thighs.

  He was glad he’d left on the light. Not that he needed it to see her. He wanted to overwhelm her, fill her sight, every sense, along with her pretty cunt. He rolled his hips and nudged her pussy with the crown of his cock.

  Her eyes widened. “Is that you?”

  “Afraid?” he asked, dragging out the word.

  She shivered deliciously, her belly quivering beneath him. Even her next inhalation trembled. “There may be a problem,” she said, her voice thin.

  “You took my fist earlier,” he said, gritting his teeth as he pushed past her entrance. “You’ll take my girth, if not my length.”

  “I had no idea. Perhaps, we should go really, really slow?”

  He pushed deeper, stretching her opening, and closed his eyes, fighting the need to thrust. She was right. He might tear her flesh if he didn’t ease into her.

  She gasped. “You’re just full of surprises,” she said, sounding more nervous by the second.

  “Not chickening out, are you, love?” He flexed his buttocks and drove a little deeper, relieved when more of her inner juices flooded her channel. He pulled back and shoved inside. This time the going was easier, wetter, and her hips rose to meet his thrust. “You have to tell me later whether I measure up.”

  She choked on a laugh. “I can’t believe I said that to you.” Her knees came up either side of him, her thighs clamping around his hips. She rocked her hips against him, encouraging him to move a little faster, fractionally deeper.

  His forehead sank onto her shoulder as he pumped, tunneling farther with each stroke. “Are you all right? Can you take more?” God, he hoped so. His balls drew high and felt hard as stone, his cock felt ready to burst. Still, he controlled his pace and the depth of his thrusts.

  “I don’t…I can’t…” The hands clenching his shoulders released and glided into his hair. She rubbed her face against his, her body rocking faster, pulling hard on his hair.

  Navarro gritted his teeth and held himself away from her, forcing his hips not to close the gap between their bodies—she was too small, too tight. She was perfect.

  “Please, please,” she said, winding her legs around his back, trying to bring him down on top of her. “I’m close. So close. Faster. Oh God!” Her hands slid over his back, stroking, massaging, and gliding lower.

  When her fingers trailed the crease between his buttocks, Navarro groaned. “Careful what you do there.”

  “Afraid,” she drawled.

  He snorted. “No, but you should be.”

  A finger grazed his opening and a shudder racked his body. He retaliated, thrusting deeply, grinding the base of his cock against her clit.

  “I could use more of that punishment,” she said, her words coming fast and strained.

  “Think you’re ready to take all of me, love? Be sure.” He tunneled again, feeling the first ripple of an impending orgasm clasp his cock.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “Please.”

  Navarro withdrew, ignoring her moan of dismay and helped her turn and come to her knees.

  Her bottom quivered when he laid his palms on her cheeks. Pressing her stance wider with his knees, he nudged her once, unerringly finding her wet slit, and then drove deep into her body.

  Sidney issued a muffled scream.

  Navarro pulled back and held himself still, his jaw clenched. Then he shook his head. “No, I can’t stop. Too late.” He draped her back, planting his hands on the bed beside hers. “Give me your neck,” he gritted out.

  The woman shuddering beneath him didn’t question what he wanted. Her back arched, her head falling to the side.

  Navarro nuzzled her neck, then licked, letting the moisture from the glands deep inside his mouth numb her skin. Then he opened his jaws, putting his teeth against her neck and sank fangs into her—slamming his cock deep at the same time.

  Sidney howled long and loud, not moving as he unleashed his monster, his face crackling as he morphed, his muscles growing thicker, harder, his cock expanding to stretch her so tight her cunt clenched him like a vise.

  Coppery blood filled his mouth, pumping with each quick beat of her heart, coating his tongue, sliding down his throat. He drank while his body hammered at her pussy, faster, sharper.

  Transformed, his conscious receded, and his body and mouth acted on instinct.

  The woman under him, gloving his sex, fed his appetites. He kept her locked to his body, subduing his host with his mouth and cock.

  She screamed, a thin ragged cry that pierced his mind, reminding him of the need to take just so much blood, and he released her, licking the wounds to enjoy a final taste, closing them. Then he noted the deep spasms clutching his shaft, pulsing as she mewled like a small animal.

  He leaned back and wrapped his arms around her belly, pulling her upright with him. Then he lifted and lowered her, hard and fast, their thighs slapping together, until he felt her jerk and shudder, and his own sex erupted, spewing inside her.

  When their release ended, he rocked with her dangling limp in his arms and slowly, the red haze cleared from his brain. The monster retreated.

  Navarro shuddered, clasping Sidney close to his body—thankful his beast had reined his appetite. Now replete, he turned his attention from his own selfish gratification to Sidney, to protect and comfort her as she roused slowly.

  Her head fell back against his shoulder, and she drew a deep, ragged breath. “Will we do this often?”

  “Afraid?” he whispered, closing his eyes, hoping for the answer he needed.

  “Yes. Sex with you just might be the death of me.”

  He sighed, dispirited. He’d asked too much.

  “Those orgasms are killer.” Her arm came up, and she reached behind to cup the back of his head. “Next time, I get to be on top. I think I missed quite a sight.”

  * * * * * />
  Sidney woke before daybreak and stretched. Her body ached. Especially, her pussy—the tender tissue still felt swollen and hot. All in all, a delicious sensation to wake up to.

  She opened her eyes and turned her head to find Navarro resting beside her. He lay on his back, two pillows stacked beneath his head. The covers were pulled to his waist again. The pale gray light filtering beneath the curtains was just enough to illuminate his face. His dark perfection, like some ancient prince in a gilded painting, took her breath away.

  His gaze found hers. “Will you remain in my home today?”

  Sidney forced her fanciful thoughts aside. If he had an inkling how easily she could be ensnared… “Do I have a choice?” she replied, keeping her tone tart.

  His lips twitched. “Not really. But I’d like to know your preference anyway.”

  Rolling to her side, she tucked her hands beneath her cheek. Her mind racing to shore up her defenses. “I don’t see why it matters.”

  “It matters—to me.” His expression, always so watchful and controlled, held a hint of pathos that touched her.

  Damn him, for confusing me! “I won’t poison your dogs,” she said softly. That was as close to a surrender as she would give him. “I’m whacked anyway. Need my beauty sleep.” A millennium of sleep wouldn’t help her match his!

  He settled back on his pillows and smiled. “That would only take a nap.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Was that a compliment?”

  His penetrating gaze held hers. “Do you need one?”

  Thanks for making me feel like a needy twit! “Every woman needs one once in a while,” she replied grumpily.

  “But appearances are so unimportant, and sometimes beyond your control. Wouldn’t it mean more for me to praise your resourcefulness?”

  She snorted and rolled her eyes. “How many centuries have you lived? Praise a woman’s mind, and she knows she looks like a hag.”

  He gave a dramatic sigh. “Perhaps men aren’t intended to fathom a woman’s mind.”

  “Can’t you guess what’s on mine?” she asked, letting her fingers walk down his stomach to nudge the covers.


  “I want to see that pole you call a dick.”

  He coughed, clearing his throat. “You have such a way with words. I can tell why your news segment is so popular.”

  “I don’t write fiction, and I only get a few minutes to make my point. I like to think I’m economical. So how about it?” She plucked the hairs that formed an arrow pointing down his muscled abdomen. “Do I get to see?”

  “Woman!” His fingers closed around hers, and he pulled her hand toward his mouth. “Is my sex all you have an interest in?”

  Sidney waggled her brows. “It looms large in my mind.”

  He kissed the back of her hand and then returned it to his stomach, still clutching her to prevent further wandering. “Shouldn’t we save the mystery for another time? I fear once you’ve seen all of me you’ll lose interest.”

  “Do you think that’s possible?” she murmured, pulling her hand from beneath his. She teased his navel with a fingertip.

  The blanket covering him tented over his loins.

  “Looks like someone has something to say about it, too.”

  Navarro took a deep breath and grabbed the edge of the blanket. “Very well. I will let you look, but only because I’m afraid you’re becoming the dog after my bone.”

  Sidney grinned wickedly. “And you were accusing me of being blunt. I have to warn you, my middle name starts with a ‘P’—for ‘persistence’.”

  His gaze rose to the ceiling. “And I thought it must have been for ‘Pain-in-the-a—’”

  Sidney wagged her finger, delighted at his teasing. “Nuh-uhn. No cursing. Or Inigo will declare me a bad influence.” She glanced down the covers. “I’m still waiting.”

  Navarro folded his arms over his chest. “I think I would rather give you the privilege.”

  “Think I’m shy?”

  “Not a bit.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sidney was surprised to find she was a little nervous about “unmasking” his cock. She knew it would be gi-normous, larger than even Moses’ fine organ. But such a stellar attribute hammered home the fact she was ordinary. Her appeal only transitory.

  She swallowed and gripped the blanket, and then slowly dragged it down.

  Chapter Seven

  Navarro made a note to ask Inigo later who “Mr. Ed” was.

  He’d received a confusing image of a whinnying, white horse with his head hanging over a kitchen half-door. That image, and Sidney’s breathy, “Helllooo, Mr. Ed”, quickly faded as her fingers wrapped around his shaft.

  “Wait a second,” she said, releasing his cock. She turned to glance at his face. “Are you going to call all the shots again? I don’t want to get punished for my enthusiasm.”

  Navarro shook his head, words being impossible to form at the moment. His cock was fully in charge.

  “Just checking,” she said, and returned her avid gaze to his “pole”. “How do you walk with this thing dangling between your legs?”

  “He rarely dangles,” he said, gritting his teeth when she gripped his shaft again and pulled it perpendicular to his body.

  “I get it now!” she said excitedly. “John Holmes must have been a vamp! That donkey cock of his couldn’t have been human.”

  Not having a clue who John Holmes was, but making another mental note to find out who his competition was, Navarro forced himself to remain lying on his pillows as Sidney pushed his cock around, staring at it from all angles.

  As her slim fingers fluttered on his shaft, Navarro felt his control begin to slip. “Do you think you can stare him into an orgasm?”

  She blinked and glanced back at him. “Are you by chance telling me to hurry it up?”

  “Yes,” he hissed between his teeth.

  A siren’s smile curved the corners of her mouth. “Poor baby,” she said pursing her lips.

  Witch! She knew he imagined those lips closing around the head of his penis.

  “Sidney,” he said, his voice rising in warning.

  She snorted. “It’s not fair. If I don’t hurry it up, you’ll just take over. Won’t you?”

  He pointed at his cock. “Do I have to command you?”

  Her chin came up immediately, but then her head tilted. Her expression was pensive and curious at the same time. “I think…yes.”

  Navarro understood intuitively he’d been given a rare gift. Sidney P. Coffey liked being in control of every situation. Now, she’d surrendered herself. Her trust made him feel all-powerful. “Climb between my legs, little sex slave.”

  “Hrmph!” she snorted again, but stepped on her knees into the narrow space between his legs.

  “Now, take the head of my cock into your sweet mouth.”

  Immediately, her nipples dimpled. With excitement glowing on her cheeks, she leaned forward and grasped his shaft. Her mouth opened wide to swallow him.

  Navarro suppressed a groan as her wet mouth surrounded him in lush heat. “Suck it.” His nostrils flared as he caught the scent of her steaming arousal.

  Her lips suctioned, her head moving left to right, and back, her gaze holding his all the while. Then she took a little initiative and chewed the soft bulb gently.

  His hips lifted off the bed, pressing his cock deeper into the moist cavern of her mouth.

  She pulled away and leaned down to trail her tongue along his shaft, licking down and up, lapping him in thick strokes with the flat of her tongue like a tasty ice-cream cone.

  All his muscles, belly to thigh, tightened with sensual tension. Sweat beaded on his upper lip.

  Her hands slid down to the base of his cock. One cupped his balls, now hard stones in their tight sac. The other tightly gripped the base of his shaft. She licked downward and opened her mouth to take his balls into her mouth.

  Navarro sucked in a deep breath as she mouthed his scrotum, her tongue
stroking his balls inside her mouth, rolling them, tugging them. His hands fisted in the bedding.

  Sidney’s breath grew shorter, gasping. The scent of her arousal grew stronger. Sweat broke on her forehead and wispy strands of pale hair stuck there.

  Navarro reached down and threaded his fingers through her hair and tugged, using his grip on her hair to guide her movements and bring her up his cock.

  When she reached the crown, he nudged her lips, and she opened wide, sinking down his cock, her hands closing around his shaft to twist and pull while she bobbed now, taking him as deep as her throat would allow.

  Wet heat, suctioning lips, and circling hands had Navarro groaning, his buttocks tensing to deliver shallow thrusts.

  Sidney grunted softly each time he stroked deep. Her teeth lightly strafed his straining flesh.

  Suddenly, she reared up and straddled his hips. Her expression was tight, desperate. “I can’t wait. I have to—”

  “Mount me.”

  She nodded and took a deep breath, rising high above his cock. Her fingers crept between her legs, spreading her labia. She tunneled her fingers inside herself, and her eyes closed. Moist, slippery sounds accompanied her exploration as she drew the wet to the petals framing her sex

  Then she centered her hot pussy over his crown, sliding him around her entrance to coat the head with her juices. Her legs trembled and she sank, taking him inside. She moaned.

  Her cunt felt hotter than it should around his cock. “You’re sore, still swollen. Can you do this?” he gritted out.

  She nodded again, whimpering, and sank deeper, and then came up. Down, up, down—going deeper with each stroke, rotating her hips to twist and ease him deeper still. Sweat trickled between her breasts.

  Navarro slid his fingers over it to massage the moisture into her breasts, kneading the flesh, plumping it as he curved his body upward to take a nipple into his mouth.

  Sidney’s head fell back, and she stilled as he laved the tight points, first one then the other, not resuming her rocking motions until he released her nipple and fell back against the pillow.