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My Immortal Knight V: Uncovering Navarro Page 6

  Stepping out of her pants, she stood naked in front of him, wondering what he was thinking and why he hadn’t moved. “Well?” she asked, hating that she felt uncertain and self-conscious of her nudity.

  His gaze smoldered, but he returned to his chair and sat. “Come here,” he murmured.

  She sauntered toward him on legs that suddenly felt like Jell-O. The closer she came, the more clearly his features were revealed in the firelight. His eyes glittered hot, his mouth was a thin tense line, and his jaw was tight.

  He extended his hand, and she laid her palm in his. His fingers closed around hers and pulled her closer still until she stood between his knees. “Climb onto me, Sidney.”

  The hint of command in his voice tightened her belly. She slid a naked knee along the outside of his left thigh and leaned forward, a breast near enough to his mouth she felt a breath brush her nipple. Then she slid the other along the outside of his right thigh.

  Perched now on the chair, straddling his legs, she felt a trembling begin that weakened her and she sat on his lap, gasping at the rasp of fabric against her pussy. Her hands settled on his shoulders to steady her.

  Her face was even now with his, and she waited for his response. She’d taken the first step. What would be her reward?

  A hand rose from the arm of his chair, and he slipped his fingers between her legs to delve into her cleft.

  Although she wanted more than anything to squeeze herself around his fingers, she held still, wondering at his slow pace—chafing because she was naked again, and she had yet to see his body.

  He pulled out his fingers and rubbed them with his thumb, and then brought them to his nose and inhaled.

  “It wouldn’t take a vamp or a bloodhound to tell I’m horny as hell, vampire,” she said, impatience making her irritable. “Why are you playing with me?”

  He licked his fingertips. “I’m not testing whether you’re ready. I’m learning your scents and taste. You’ve been aroused since your interview last night.”

  Sidney couldn’t halt the flooding excitement that wet the crotch of his pants. “Again, I’m not shocked you know that. What I want to know is whether you’re going to do something about it.”

  The corners of his mouth lifted in a mirthless smile. “Do you know anything about a vampire’s lovemaking?”

  “I know you like to drink blood when you fuck, and that the women enjoy it—a lot.”

  “And that’s all?”

  His stall tactics were only making her more desperate for his touch. She nodded and leaned toward him, rubbing her tightening nipples on his shirt. “Why don’t you dispense with the anthropology lecture and get straight to the lab? I learn best by doing.”

  His hand rose and slipped behind her head. He threaded his fingers in her hair and tugged back her head. “Sex with a vampire is a risky thing. Aren’t you the least bit afraid of the drinking part?”

  Her breath caught at the small pain. “I give to the Red Cross every couple of months.” She swallowed hard. “Will it hurt?” she asked, licking her lips.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. “A little—at first. I’ll go easy with you.”

  “And if I don’t want easy?” She shifted on his lap, letting her open cunt drag over his clothed cock.

  He pulled her hair. “Be careful what you wish for.”

  Sidney had had enough of waiting. Ignoring the bite of his hand fisted in her hair, she leaned forward and kissed his mouth.

  His lips remained closed, so she caressed them, opening her mouth to suck on his lips, then licking along the seam to tempt him. All the while, her eyes remained open, staring into his.

  He didn’t blink, didn’t breathe. His expression betrayed no hint of passion. Even the cock beneath her remained furled against his leg.

  Confused, she leaned away. “Don’t you want this?”

  “I want you to obey me in all things.”

  Sidney raised her eyebrows. “Say again?”

  His hands moved, closing around her waist. He lifted her off his cock—only an inch.

  She could still feel his heat rising to her open pussy.

  “I will have your obedience.”

  Her hands shoved against his chest, but he held her fast. “I don’t follow any man’s lead. This is a mutual thing—what we do.”

  “Not with me, my dear,” he said, his voice almost hard. “You will follow me. You’ve already made a nice start undressing when I commanded.”

  “I got naked first, because I wanted it. Not because you commanded it.”

  He shrugged. “However you want to paint this. You will obey me because it pleases you.”

  She shoved again and tried to slide her knees from the chair. “I’ve changed my mind. Let me go.”

  “Don’t you want to know my kiss?”

  “Not anymore—especially if you think you’re going to fuck my mind.”

  “I’ll do that too.” He lifted her higher. “First, a little hint of the pleasure to come, hmmm?”

  Before she could utter a protest, he grasped her nipple with his mouth and sucked.

  Sidney pressed against his shoulders, wriggling in his arms, truly afraid now. The sensations he stirred inside her were too strong, too sharp.

  His tongue rasped over the tip, and he mouthed her, suckling harder.

  Her breath caught on a ragged sob. She knew what was coming next, and she didn’t want it—not like this—not with him fully clothed and her helpless in his arms. “Stop it!” She grabbed his hair in her fists and tried to pull his mouth away.

  His teeth bit into her flesh—stinging, sharp. Pain pierced the sensual haze for a moment, shocking her into stillness. Then he drew, bringing her blood from all points to her breast in a rush of pure heat.

  Sidney’s head fell back, and she whimpered while her body went limp. She never wanted the sensation to end. Her belly clenched and trembled. Deep inside, her vagina spasmed—clasping, releasing. Her hips pulsed in the air, her whole body spiraling tighter while his mouth drew her closer and closer to explosion.

  Suddenly, a cry broke from her throat, and she was shuddering inside his arms. Darkness closed around her for a long moment as she orgasmed.

  He let go of her breast and nuzzled the twin wounds with his tongue, closing them. Then he tucked her head close against his shoulder and held her while the trembling eased.

  Sidney sniffed and blinked away unexpected tears. “Why must it be this way? Why do you want me weak?”

  “To protect you.”

  “You think you’ll hurt me if you let loose?”

  “I’m afraid I’ll kill you.”

  Sidney’s first thought was that might be the sexiest thing a man had ever said to her. Her second was she must be one sick puppy to feel that way. She lifted her head and stared into his eyes. “What if I’m willing to take the chance?”

  His expression remained shuttered. “I’m not.”

  She lifted her chin to show him she wasn’t cowed. “I’m no scared little virgin. You think I’ll lose every skirmish?”

  “It’s inevitable.” His eyes stared into hers, frightening her with their directness and dispassion. “I’m more experienced, and I offer something you’ve never had.”

  She snorted. “I thought I just did—have it, that is.”

  His hand smoothed back her hair from her face. “That was just an appetizer, my dear.”

  Her body flushed hotly, already ripening in anticipation of his next “lesson”. “You have too many clothes on,” she said, sounding sulky to her own ears.

  His lips curved. “I’ll decide when I take you.”

  She tossed back her hair. “Maybe it’s been so long you’ve forgotten how.”

  “You won’t dare me into rushing things.”

  She shifted on his lap, rubbing her pussy over his groin. “If I didn’t know you plan to take me, I’d think you might be gay.”

  “Because I can control my own response?”

  “Because you can resist me.�

  “You think you’re so irresistible?”

  She leaned toward him and licked her lips. “Ask Moses,” she whispered against his mouth.

  His eyes narrowed. He could be needled. But was that jealousy or just irritation? “Don’t mention him when you’re with me,” he said, his tone biting.

  “Give me a reason not to think about him. He has enormous appeal to a woman,” she drawled.

  “Size matters to you?”

  She slid him a glance from beneath her eyelashes. “Don’t worry, I won’t throw you back if you don’t measure up.”

  Suddenly, Navarro rose, moving so fast Sidney’s vision blurred. She was left gasping as he laid her over his desk.

  Navarro leaned over her, his mouth an inch above hers.

  “Another vamp talent?” she asked, her voice thin and trembling, not daring to raise her legs to grasp his waist the way she wanted.

  “Some of us are more skilled than others.” His breath gusted on her face, and his loins pressed against her naked pussy, turning her insides to mush. “Our talents increase over time.”

  She swallowed. “You must be one helluva fuck.”

  “You’ll never know if you keep testing my resolve,” he said, his gaze dropping to her lips.

  She licked them. “Who’s testing anything? Can’t you tell I’m dying for it?”

  “Not yet.”

  Chapter Six

  Her pussy gushed at the hard tone of his voice. Sidney couldn’t hold back the faint moan that broke from her throat. “Navarro, please.”

  “I will. Eventually.” His mouth took hers then, lips sliding in a drugging kiss.

  Spearing her fingers into his thick hair, she tugged to extend the kiss. She thrust her tongue inside his mouth, and he nipped it, but that didn’t deter her. She laved his tongue, tasting copper—knowing he tasted it too. Fire licked her pussy, heat curling deep inside her belly. Slowly, she lifted her legs to clasp his hips, and she rubbed her sex against him while her mouth suctioned his.

  Navarro broke the kiss and leaned back, shaking his head until she released his hair.

  Panting beneath him, she begged him silently with her gaze to take her.

  He closed his eyes, and his chest rose and fell quickly. His cock slowly filled as she pumped her hips upward, teasing him, caressing him through his clothing. “You will follow me,” he said, gritting his teeth.

  Satisfied at last she could arouse him, Sidney unwound her legs from his hips and lay back against the desk. If surrender would get her what she needed faster, she’d let him think he’d won. “Okay,” she said, “I’m yours to command.”

  His eyes opened, and his expression was just shy of incredulous. “Do you really think that’s all it will take?”

  Sidney’s heart stuttered, then began to thud dully in her chest. She’d underestimated him—he’d been playing her again. “What do you want?”

  “Complete submission—nothing less.” Navarro’s hands slipped between their bodies, and he fondled her breasts, tweaking the nipples until she moaned again. “I won’t give you what you crave until you’re mindless with need.”

  “You don’t think I’m there already?” She gasped as he twisted hard. Her eyes drifted closed for a moment, lost in the pleasure-pain. When she opened them, his intense stare made her breath catch.

  “That’s what it will be like—you won’t be able to help yourself. You won’t be thinking ‘what does he want to hear?’—you won’t be able to form a single coherent thought. Then, when you beg me, I may come to you.”

  She wanted to deny him—wanted to tell him to let her get up. She didn’t want this.

  But she’d be lying.

  Instead, her belly quivered, and her breath grew choppy. Christ! Just the description of what he wanted from her excited her more than she thought she could bear. She waited while he watched her—his expression carved in stone.

  He pushed up from her body and trailed his fingers lower—just the tips scraping her trembling stomach, lightly circling her navel, halting at the hair curling on her mons. His fingers threaded through the short curls and tugged. His thumb dipped into her cleft and circled her swollen clitoris.

  Her whole body clenched. Tears leaked from Sidney’s eyes because she knew he would easily wrest the reaction he wanted from her body, and she was helpless to prevent it. Physically, she couldn’t overpower him. And much to her chagrin, emotionally she was even weaker. He’d make her beg endlessly then gift her with release—when it pleased him. She’d thought this would be another gymnastic rumble between the sheets—but he was going to steal her soul.

  “I’ll take you with my fingers and tongue, and when you’re ready to burst, I’ll bite your clitoris. Do you want it fast or slow?” he asked, still staring.

  She shook her head, tears spilling faster. She’d never been one for waterworks, but he scared her. If she said fast, he’d take her slow. If she tried reverse psychology on him and asked for slow—his taking would grind to a crawl. Her body already ached for release. She bit her lip, refusing to answer.

  “You’re beginning to understand,” he murmured, moving down her body. “Put your hands behind your head, love.”

  Swallowing a lump of confusion, she did as he asked, slipping her clasped fingers behind her head. She was stretched on the desk, her meager breasts flattened except for their erect points, her back arched, her legs dangling toward the floor.

  He knelt between her legs, and all she could see was the top of his dark head. Then she felt his fingers stroking her moist folds. Her toes curled, but she didn’t dare raise her legs to invite him to delve deeper.

  Slowly, languorously, he traced the petals of her sex, plucking the outer lips, gliding into her moisture, spreading her honey with his fingertips.

  “Such a pretty pussy you have—and so wet.” The point of his tongue licked along the edges of her inner lips.

  Sidney’s breath hissed between her clenched teeth. I won’t beg. I won’t beg.

  “You will,” he whispered. Fingers dipped inside, pumping in and out—shallow thrusts that had her pussy swelling, and her channel gushing around him.

  He can read me like a fucking book. She fought to keep her hips from countering the action and squeezed her eyes shut.

  Another finger pushed inside, stretching her, and his tongue dug between her inner labia, licking upward, finding the hood guarding her clit. He rubbed it, circling on it, until the knot of nerves beneath the hood swelled painfully hard.

  Sidney’s breath grew jagged and loud to her own ears. Still, she fought against crying out, and her body quivered in rhythmic spasms.

  His thumb joined his fingers and he twisted his fist, pushing to gain entrance to her body, aided by her inner juices that slurped with his gentle thrusts. His mouth closed around her clit and suckled hard.

  Sidney groaned, her head shaking side to side. No, no, no! When his teeth scraped her sensitized nub, her legs jerked and widened.

  “Put your heels on my shoulders,” he said, his voice even, betraying no sign of strain or excitement.

  She resisted, while her belly tightened—a curl of need winding around her core. She gasped, feeling her pussy melt in a fresh wash of liquid need.

  He pushed his fist past her opening, and Sidney’s groan came unrestrained, deep and guttural. Her legs lifted, falling wider apart. Her cunt was so full—so stretched—ripples clasped his fist, rolling, pulling him deeper.

  Her heels settled on his shoulders and she sighed, for now she could open her legs as wide as they could splay. Her tender flesh was open to the air, to his roaming mouth and fingers. Her hips lifted, pumping against his mouth and hand.

  His tongue lapped, seemingly greedy for her taste. Low murmurs of approval rumbled on her flesh like blessings.

  Sidney was a mindless wanton now—her moans stretching longer, louder. “Please, Navarro. Pleeease!”

  Teeth sank into her clit, and she screamed, her back arching sharply, her hands outfl
ung, her body shuddering, spasming—while he twisted his hand in and out and his mouth drew on her clit, causing blood to rush to her cunt in an electric, molten stream of passion.

  When the trembling subsided, he dragged his hand from her vagina and licked the punctures closed.

  Sidney watched him as he stood, feeling dazed, boneless.

  His expression was still watchful, his jaw tight now. When he leaned over her, her eyelids drifted shut. The last part of her she could hide behind.

  He lifted her into his arms and strode toward the door. “Now you understand what I want from you—how it will be between us.”

  Sidney laid her cheek on his shoulder, knowing he’d won but not caring. She was helpless to resist him.

  * * * * *

  Navarro knew the moment she awoke. Her breath gasped softly and a tiny frown formed between her eyebrows. The chit kept her eyes closed, waiting until she knew whether she was alone.

  Smiling at her doomed tactic, he reached and stroked her breast, answering her unasked question. He put the exclamation mark on his response by settling his body close to her side, resting on one elbow so that his head was higher than hers. The better to watch her.

  Her breathing grew louder, punctuated with soft snores.

  He leaned down and kissed her shoulder, hitching the blankets more securely around their waists. “I know you’re awake,” he drawled.

  She held herself perfectly still for a long moment, then whispered back, “You’re naked.”

  “A little hard to miss, hmmm?” Beneath the covers, he brushed his erection against her thigh.

  Her eyes scrunched more tightly closed. “That’s not fair,” she said, a frown creasing her forehead. “I didn’t get to watch you take them off.”

  “I thought it might be a little too much for your overwrought nerves.”

  Her eyes flew open, her gaze clashing with his. “Overwrought?”

  “You passed out,” he said, his tone smug.

  “I was sleepy.”

  He gave her a sly smile. “Now, you’re awake.”

  Her gaze dropped to his chest. “You’re bigger than you look in clothes. Not that you didn’t look…big, that is. I just didn’t expect so much…” She swallowed and her gaze returned to his. “Are you going to take me now?”