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True Heart Page 6

  “True,” Lonny shouted over the roar of the fire.

  True couldn’t let his brother stop him. He lurched toward the steps.

  Lonny tackled him, taking him to the ground. “Honey’s not in there. Fuck, quit fighting me. She’s not in the cabin.”

  That last bitten-out sentence got through, and True stopped bucking.

  Lonny rolled off him then grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet. Breathing hard, Lonny pointed to a set of tracks leading away from the cabin—tracks two small feet in ridiculous boots had made.

  He climbed back on the snowmobile and sped down the trail.

  Rounding a bend, he found her, walking with her head bent against the wind, hands tucked under her arms.

  He cut the machine and climbed off. He unzipped his jacket and walked up behind her. She didn’t seem to hear him, didn’t flinch or react when he gripped her arms, one at a time, and shoved them into the sleeves of his coat. He turned her.

  Her face was smudged with soot. Her eyes vacant.

  “Let’s get her to the ranch house,” Lonny said. “We can’t warm her up here.”

  True zipped up the jacket then climbed onto the snowmobile. Lonny swept her up and handed her to True, who draped her over his lap. The wind bit his ears and nose, but he couldn’t worry about that now. Honey hadn’t said a word.

  The ride to the ranch house took only minutes but felt like an eternity to True. At the steps, Lonny pulled her off his lap and carried her inside. True followed, shutting and latching the door, then headed straight to the fireplace. It took several minutes to build a fire, but by that time Lonny and Honey had disappeared.

  He found the two of them in Lonny’s bathroom. His brother had stripped her and set her in the tub. True hovered in the doorway, wanting to shove Lonny aside, but not knowing if he was what Honey needed right now.

  Lonny glanced up and then rose from where he’d been kneeling beside the tub.

  “I started a fire,” True said, surprised his voice sounded hoarse.

  Lonny nodded. “I’ll hunt up something for her to wear. Gradually warm up the water.”

  True stood aside while his brother left then turned all his attention to Honey.

  She sat shivering in the bathtub, her shoulders bowed, her lips pale, and her head down.

  He tipped the toilet seat closed and sat on it. Then dipped his fingers in the water. It was tepid. “Are you ready for me to add some hotter water, sweetheart?”

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around her knees, hiding her body. “S-sorry,” she stammered.

  True shook his head then gave in to the temptation to touch her. He combed back her hair from her face then tucked a finger under her chin to lift it. “I thought you were inside,” he rasped. “Nothing else matters.”

  Her lips curved downward, but he could see the relief in her eyes.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked softly.

  She shook her head. “Just cold.” She tipped the stopper with her toe to drain more water. Then she gave him a pointed look.

  He almost smiled at her show of spirit, small as it was. “Yeah,” he said, turning on the tap. “That was quite a fireworks display you put on.”

  “I f-fucked up. I swung open the furnace door…”

  He nodded, pretending calm when he could picture it all too clearly. “You’re lucky you didn’t burn yourself.”

  “M-my scarf caught f-fire, and I flung it away. Flames caught the throw and the curtains. Didn’t have time to get anything except my thumb drive.”

  “You saved your book?” he asked, shaking his head.

  “Guess I should have gone for the coat instead, huh?” she said glumly.

  “A coat might have been more practical.” He tested the water and shut off the tap again. When he met her gaze, he drew a deep breath. “I’m thinking this is all my fault.”

  She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “Because you didn’t kick me off your mountain yesterday?”

  “Because I didn’t keep you in my bed.”

  “Oh.” Her gaze fell away.

  He cursed under his breath. He’d reminded her of what a bastard he’d been.

  A knock sounded, and Lonny stuck his head inside the door. “I’ll leave the clothes on the bed out here.”

  “No,” True said. “I’ll see about getting some food heated up. Get her dressed.” He lunged to his feet and pushed past Lonny, ignoring his scowl.

  Behind him, Lonny said, “Honey, you ready to come out?”

  His chest heavy, True moved through the house like an old man. Why did it matter to him that his brother was dressing a woman they both barely knew? Maybe he was suffering some sort of delayed reaction now that adrenaline wasn’t spiking through his blood. He was relieved Honey hadn’t been injured, or worse. He’d have felt guilt and remorse if she’d been inside that house. Nothing more. They were strangers. Intimate strangers, sure, but she wasn’t part of his life. Not part of his future. He’d do well to remember that.

  Honey sat huddled under a blanket on the couch Lonny had moved nearer the fire. He’d found a pair of insulated leggings for her to wear that fit her well enough. Her ass kept them from falling off. The sweater was large, and fell off whichever shoulder she shrugged, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Her own clothing was salvageable and was in the laundry, but she’d save them for her trip off the mountain once the snowplows cleared the road.

  Lonny had checked with the department of transportation and said it might be several days before she could leave. And she was determined to do just that—despite his assurances that she could stay and complete the work she’d come to do.

  However, that seemed pointless. She’d saved the thumb drive, but she didn’t have the heart to finish the new story. She was supposed to write something sexy and flirty, but all she had the urge to create was a tragedy.

  She knew she was feeling sorry for herself, and she should pull up her big-girl panties and get on with it. Hell, she didn’t have any panties on.

  “I have soup.”

  She jumped at True’s quiet words. The man could creep up on a ghost. And was that all he had to say? Seriously?

  Honey bit back a retort, recognizing that what she really wanted was to start a fight with him. She held out her hand and waited while he turned the mug to present her the handle.

  A small gesture, but one that fucked with her head. Why be gentle? Why pretend to care whether she burned her fingers? She’d burned down his entire cabin—his quaint little hunting cabin that his father had built years ago. Why wasn’t he furious?

  She gulped down a sip of chicken soup and blinked.

  “Couldn’t you tell it was hot?”

  She blinked away pain-filled tears and aimed a blistering glare his way.

  True’s jaw clenched. “I’ll leave you to finish.” He began to turn away.

  She bent to set the cup on the floor. “Why are you avoiding me?” If she could have bit her own tongue and swallowed it whole, she would have.

  True hesitated. “You’ve been through enough.”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit—” She glanced away. She wasn’t going to cuss at the man. Wasn’t going to make herself look any more pathetic than she already was.

  “I’m guessing now’s not a good time to check on our girl.”

  Both Honey and True turned to glare at Lonny whose mouth moved like he was biting his lip. Was he laughing at them?

  “Don’t disappear,” True said. “I can’t seem to get anything right.”

  “No kidding,” Honey muttered.

  Lonny walked deeper into the room, glancing from Honey to True. “I take it you’re feeling more yourself, Honey?”

  “I’ve never been less myself,” she snarled.

  “I don’t know about that,” he said amiably. “The color’s back in your cheeks.”

  Honey hit her thigh with her fist. “I don’t shout at men. I don’t ever want to shout at men. But he—” She glared at True. “He manages to
push every last one of my buttons.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” Lonny asked softly. He took a seat beside her. “Quit hovering, True. Take a seat.”

  True looked reluctant but took up the space on her left side. Wedged between the two brothers, Honey blew out a deep breath. The temperature in the room had skyrocketed. She flipped back her blanket.

  True reached for the edge and shoved it over her shoulder.

  “I’m warm enough,” she muttered.

  “You’ll get sick.”

  “And that would be a huge inconvenience on top of the hundred other inconveniences I’ve caused, wouldn’t it?”

  True nodded, but her searing glance had him buttoning his lip and glancing away. “I should head out to check on the horses in the barn.”

  “They’ll wait,” Lonny said flatly.

  Honey flung up her hands. “I can assure both of you that I’m fine. No need for you to worry. If you’ll just show me where I can sleep…”

  Lonny laid a hand on her knee and leaned toward her. “That’s part of what we’re going to talk about, sweetheart.”

  She narrowed her eyes to give him a mean glare even though inside her heart was thumping loudly in her chest. “Oh, yeah?”

  “True mentioned what you’re writing.”

  True muttered a curse under his breath.

  Honey’s cheeks burned. “Anyone ever tell you that you two are big fat gossips?”

  “Not ever. Don’t change the subject. A ménage, right?”

  “I changed my mind,” she said, folding her arms over her chest. “I’ve decided to scrap the book. Now, I’m going to write a post-apocalyptic story—lots of blood and guts. I’m feeling pretty violent at the moment.”

  “I think you need to do the right research.”

  “Oh, really?” She wouldn’t admit it even on her dying bed, but just the thought of doing a little research made her heart flutter madly.

  “You can count me out,” True said forcefully.

  “Not to your taste, I know,” Lonny said, so cheerfully he made Honey want to scream. “You mentioned that before.”

  Honey kept her gaze on Lonny, because she was way too chicken to look at True. “You two talked about doing a ménage with me? Is anything sacred?”

  He jogged his eyebrows. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

  “You know damn well I’m not wearing any.”


  That did it. Honey swung toward True. “Do you know any other cuss words?”

  “His vocabulary’s limited,” Lonny quipped.

  She lifted her chin when True’s gaze narrowed. “So I noticed,” she said, keeping her tone even.

  “Be nice,” Lonny chided.

  She grunted and faced forward again. “Sorry.”

  “Back to the ménage…”

  True stirred beside her, and she felt his thighs tense like he was going to rise. Without looking at him, Honey laid her hand on his thigh and pressed down. He wasn’t going anywhere.

  “There ought to be a few rules,” Lonny continued. “Things each one of us won’t do.”

  “Like swords never crossing,” she quipped.

  “For fuck sake,” True ground out. “Did either of you hear what I said? Not interested.”

  “If I believed that for a minute, I’d lay off.” All humor was gone from Lonny’s voice.

  Honey held her breath, waiting…

  True’s thigh stayed tense beneath her hand. His breaths deepened.

  “Personally, I’d just as soon not ‘cross swords’ as Honey suggested,” Lonny said slowly.

  Honey drew in a deep breath. “I’d just as soon not be tied down.”

  Both men pinned her with a glance.

  She shrugged. “I like to touch.”

  True jerked but didn’t try to rise.

  “You got any aversions, True?” Lonny said.

  True stayed silent for a long moment. “I’m the only one who fucks her pussy.”

  Honey bit back a groan.

  “Crude, but to the point,” Lonny murmured. “Leaves lots of fun stuff still on the table.”

  “I haven’t agreed,” she said. She wanted to say yes, wanted to so badly she was squeezing her thighs together. However, more was on the line than a simple sexy romp. She could feel the undercurrents stirring in the room. “I’m not a whore. Doesn’t matter what I write.”

  True’s hand covered hers resting on his thigh. His thumb swept over the back. He breathed a deep sigh. “Just once then. Because you’re curious. Because I can’t stop from fucking up. And because I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me a damn thing.”

  “Yes, I do. When we’re done, you and I are gonna talk.”

  Honey swallowed at his quiet intensity. “What if I freak out again?”

  “You didn’t freak out. You were a little scared is all. Lonny’s good at chasing away shadows.”

  Honey darted a glance True’s way, and their gazes locked. Something hot and fierce raged in his eyes. “I don’t want us to be over,” she whispered.

  His expression softened, and he leaned toward her. “Baby, I promise we’re far from done.”

  Chapter 6

  Lonny had chosen True’s bed, saying he’d be the one to leave when they finished. Like he was leaving a table after a meal. And maybe this really was just his idea of a midnight snack.

  Honey found some comfort in that thought. At least, he didn’t have any expectations beyond this day. She had enough for all of them.

  Entering True’s bedroom for a second time might have made her feel awkward, but Lonny grabbed her hand and walked in backwards, pulling her along with a tug and that wicked glint in his eyes.

  She didn’t have to look behind her to know True was likely glaring daggers Lonny’s way. The thought made her grin. Lonny halted in the middle of the room and dropped her hand only to tug her sweater off one shoulder and nibble at her neck.

  His tongue flicked over her skin, his teeth bit gently along the curve.

  She giggled when he found a ticklish spot and drew back.

  Humor was evident in the crinkled skin beside his green eyes, but his nostrils flared as well, his jaw hardened.

  Her breath hitched in response to his arousal, and heat melted her core.

  His hands lifted the bottom hem of her garment and dragged it upward.

  Since she was braless, the nubby cotton scraped her nipples into peaks that tightened in the cool air.

  True had walked farther into the room and leaned against the wall, watching silently as she stood with her arms at her sides and her breasts bared for both men. She should have felt a little shame, but instead, her nudity unleashed her desires. She reached for Lonny’s buckle and slid the leather through the loop.

  Lonny laughed and eagerly rucked up his shirt, dragging it over his head. She had his belt off and thumbed open the top button. When she couldn’t tug down the zipper, she knelt in front of him and used both hands to coax it down.

  Lonny’s hand petted her hair. Then his fingers dug into her scalp. She grabbed his waistband and pulled down his pants, along with his boxers, not stopping until his cock sprang free in front of her face.

  “Might have been easier if you’d started with the boots,” Lonny murmured.

  “Easier for whom?” she said, glancing up through her eyelashes. Holding his gaze, she gripped his shaft and pointed his thickened cock at her mouth.

  From the corner of her eye, she watched True stir against the wall, uncrossing his feet and muttering. Giving him a sideways glance, she noted his gaze was on her lips, his hands curling and releasing. He was waiting…

  Feeling powerful and sexy, she rubbed Lonny’s cap over her lips, enjoying the softness. Then she stuck out her tongue and tasted him, lapping playfully around the head and curling her tongue to lick the underside of the ridge surrounding it.

  Lonny’s fingers pulled her hair. “Baby, you’re killing me here.”

  “But I’ve
only started,” she said, giving him her best Little Miss Innocent glance.

  He growled and flexed his hips, driving his cock against her mouth, and she opened, letting him glide inside. He stroked over her tongue, forward and back, his breaths deepening.

  She reached one hand around him to cup his ass, and with the other, she palmed his balls, tugging them in rhythm with her forward bobs. He fucked her mouth, and she met his strokes, suctioning hard around him the deeper he came.

  The sounds they made were lewd—wet slurps, deep moans. All the while they played, she knew True was watching, listening. She wanted to goad him to do more.

  Wrapping her hand around Lonny’s shaft, she began to pump, squeezing hard, her hand moving easily in the moisture she left. She pulled and stroked, faster and faster, sucking harder until Lonny’s fingers dug hard into her scalp, and his thrusts became desperate jerks.

  “Baby, pull away,” he whispered. “I’m gonna blow.”

  Her mouth full, she gurgled, shook her head, and pumped faster.

  He gave a throaty laugh then groaned. The first spurt of semen lashed over her tongue, and she pulled free, still pumping him with her fist and closing her eyes as he striped her face, one hot spurt at a time.

  When he stood trembling, breathing hard, she let go of him and rested her ass on her feet, her face still tilted toward him. Cloth brushed her cheeks, rubbing away his sperm. A kiss landed on her mouth, and she opened her eyes to find Lonny smiling softly. “Does he have a clue how good you are?”

  Honey grinned. “Not yet.”

  True’s entire body was so tight, his cock so hard, he was ready to drive a fist or his dick into something solid to relieve the tension.

  Watching Honey swallow his brother’s cock down had been hard enough. To watch the tender scene between them now made his stomach ache.

  Lonny kissed her one last time then helped her to her feet. He lifted his chin toward True. “Go undress him while I get the rest of my clothes off.”

  Honey didn’t hesitate, turning on her heel to approach him.

  True straightened, dropping his arms, wanting to retreat because he didn’t want this, didn’t want an audience, didn’t want to show them both how near to violence he really was.