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Hook Page 5

  “But Mama,” Molly had whined.

  “‘But Mama’ nothing,” her mom said, standing over her daughter after she climbed into the back seat. “And if you think we’re going to pay your fines, you’ve got another think coming. I put down five hundred dollars on a bond for you.” Her mother glanced at Hook. “Do I still get it back?”

  “Yes, ma’am. The ninety days hasn’t run out.”

  She huffed and turned, her curlers jiggling around her head as she stomped back to the house.

  Now, they were hunting Chet Lewinski, or “LuLu” as his friends called him. They’d tried his apartment, which he shared with a group of meth-heads, who’d scrambled to hide their drugs the second they’d spotted Hook walking up their driveway. Felicity knew because the shouts could be heard from outside.

  “Flush it, man!”

  “Is that it? All of it?”

  “I swallowed the rest. We’re all good.”

  Hook’s head was shaking when he pounded on the door. The boys inside were scared and trying so hard to act like they weren’t high as kites, they’d probably have wet their pants if Hook had said, “Boo!”

  But Chet wasn’t there. They hadn’t seen “Lulu” in a couple of days.

  So, they tried his parents’ house. His father had answered the door in a wifebeater and shorts so tight he couldn’t get them buttoned. He’d been belligerent, telling Hook his son wasn’t there, and further, that he wasn’t allowed to step foot inside his house again because the last time he had, he’d stolen his tackle box.

  “The bastard pawned it. Know how I know? Because Leonard Coe called me from the pawn shop asking me what the hell I was doing getting rid of all my fly-fishing hooks. Bastard made me buy them back!”

  Hook asked to search his house, just to verify. The father must have read Hook’s determination in his squared jaw and nodded. But Chet wasn’t there.

  Now, they were headed to Chet’s girlfriend’s mother’s house.

  “This is kind of fun,” she said, looking out the window.

  “Guess it is. Although you don’t generally meet the best class of citizen.”

  “I don’t know. I kind of admired Molly’s mom.”

  Hook grimaced. “People probably heard her in the next county.”

  Felicity looked at the GPS. “Your turn’s coming up. Next right.”

  Hook signaled and turned.

  She read off the address. “Go slow. We’re almost there.” Then she bounced on the seat and pointed. “The house with the red metal roof.”

  Hook slowed but didn’t stop. Many houses past, he made a U-turn in the road and drove back, coming to a stop three houses away. “You stay in the truck.”

  “With the keys?” she said, her tone airy.

  He grunted. “I’ll take the keys.”

  “I can still open the door,” she said, narrowing her eyes.

  He arched an eyebrow. “You’d really try to escape me?”

  “Only if you don’t let me come.” No way was she going to miss out on Chet’s capture.

  Hook’s cheeks billowed as he blew out a hard breath. “All right. But the second this guy turns squirrely, you get back to the vehicle.”

  She nodded quickly.

  “And you stay behind me.”

  “Of course.”

  His gaze pinned her for one long tense moment, but then he turned and strode across the neighbors’ lawns, on a straight path toward Chet’s girlfriend’s mother’s house.

  Felicity had to skip to keep up he walked so fast. When he drew near, he bent lower, so she followed suit as he snuck along the side of the mother’s house and bobbed up to peek into windows. They came around the other side of the house, and he paused as he glanced inside another window.

  “Do you see them?” she whispered.


  She straightened to glance inside, but he pushed down on her shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go to the front door.”

  Again, he walked fast ahead of her, but she was curious and popped up to look into the window. The sight that met her gaze had her blinking. A couple was inside a bedroom, both nude—a very scrawny, dark-haired man with a heavyset bleach-blonde. And he was standing behind her as she stood, gripping the footboard of the bed.

  He was certainly energetic.

  Felicity ducked down and hurried after Hook, hoping he hadn’t noticed what she’d done, although her hot cheeks would certainly clue him in.

  He was already climbing the front porch when she turned the corner. His gaze swung her way, and he lifted an eyebrow—a look she thought was sexy as hell. His lips twitched when she blushed. “Stay,” he whispered. Then he lifted his hand and knocked on the door.

  The sounds of cursing could be heard coming from inside the house. Footsteps pattered toward the front door.

  She watched as the door opened a crack. “Can I help you?” came a tiny, feminine voice.

  “I need to talk to your boyfriend, Sarah.”

  “What boyfriend?”

  “Now, don’t play coy. I saw him through your window.”

  “You looked?” she squeaked.

  “Had to know he was inside. Now, will you go get him?”

  She cleared her throat but didn’t open the door any wider. “Who should I say wants to talk to him?”

  About that time, Felicity heard more footsteps, but moving toward the back of the house. She edged backward, and once she was out of Hook’s line of sight, she ran toward the back but hid at the corner to peek around.

  The door opened, and Chet ran down the steps, holding his shirt and underwear in one hand and holding the waist of his unbuttoned jeans in the other. And he was barefoot.

  She shook her head, ready to shout at Hook, but she knew if she waited for Hook, Chet would be long gone into the neighborhood beyond Sarah’s backyard. So, she glanced around the ground, found a stick, and then quietly followed Chet as he moved as quickly as he could, cussing under his breath as he stepped on briars in the weedy grass.

  She reached out the stick and poked him in the back. “Don’t turn around,” she said, deepening her voice. “You need to get on your knees, Chet.”

  “Don’t shoot,” he said, holding up his hands and dropping to his knees. His jeans sagged open, and Felicity was glad she was only looking at a butt crack.

  “Hey, Hook,” she shouted over her shoulder. “I’ve got Chet!”

  “Felicity! What the fuck!” came the shout in the distance.

  His feet pounded the ground as he ran alongside the house and into the backyard. He pulled up beside her, glanced at the stick she still held against Chet’s back, and shook his head in disgust. “Damn, Chet. Why don’t you drop your clothes and zip up? Felicity here has already seen too much of your ass. Felicity, you can drop the stick now.”

  “That was a stick?” Chet said, his voice rising.

  Felicity scraped it partway down his back then tossed it away. She felt a little put out that Hook didn’t appreciate the fact she’d caught his skip. “Maybe you wanted me to let him get away?”

  Hook’s skin had reddened with anger. “He might have been armed.”

  “He’s half naked. Where would he hide a weapon?”

  Chet raised a timid hand. “Can I go back inside and put my underwear on first? These pants are chafing my…parts.”

  “You can get dressed out here. Felicity, turn around to give the man some privacy.”

  “It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before,” she muttered. “And in action. Not a picture I’m going to get out of my head any time soon.”

  “You watched?” Chet said, and then shot a glance over his shoulder. His expression wasn’t one of an embarrassed man. He smirked.

  From Hook’s deepening frown, she knew his mood was quickly souring. So, she didn’t answer Chet and gave him her back.

  After he’d dressed, Hook had him lay on the ground while he cuffed him, and then escorted him back to his vehicle.

  Sarah stood on the porch, dressed
now, with tears running down her face.

  Felicity gave her a small tight smile and slid into the front seat while Hook secured his prisoner in the back. When he slid into the seat beside her, he gave her a hard look. “Next time, do as I say.”

  She cleared her face of any rebelliousness and nodded. Maybe she would, but she’d enjoyed herself today. “Almost hate going back to work on the installation.”

  “Too bad,” he said, starting the engine.

  Felicity didn’t mind so much that Hook stayed silent all the way to the detention center. The atmosphere inside the vehicle was charged. She’d shared an adventure with him. Felt connected with him. His anger only seemed to increase her awareness of his size and strength. Her cheeks still burned, but now it wasn’t because of the illicit nature of what she’d observed inside that room. Now, she imagined herself in that position, Hook behind her as he “energetically” thrust against her.

  Hell, she was going to jail herself in just a few short days. Didn’t she deserve a little of what Chet had been enjoying?

  She fanned a hand at her face and tried to catch her breath.

  “You hot?” Hook asked.

  Her eyes nearly bulged. Was she hot? She didn’t dare look his way. “A little. That was…exciting, back there.” Then she wanted to groan, because her breathlessness made her sound like a sex kitten—or strangled version of one.

  From the corner of her eye, she watched him shoot her a glance. His eyes narrowed. But then his mouth twitched. When he looked forward again, his mouth stretched.

  Did he know she was aroused? Was he laughing at her?

  Felicity drew deeper breaths and, at last, regained control—over her thoughts and her body. What she’d contemplated minutes ago would never happen, so why build a fantasy that would only distract and disappoint her?

  For the rest of the ride, she kept her gaze fixed on the road.

  Hook finished his paperwork then began mulling through The List for his next jobs. Anything to keep busy and not think about the woman who was flitting around the office, gabbing with Brian while they loaded new software onto all the computers and then tested it.

  He found it nearly impossible not to pay attention as she moved. Her petite body with its slight curves drew his gaze again and again. When she bent to reach for a power cord behind a desk, he nearly groaned out loud because her ass drew his stare. It was small and firm. And he could remember how it had felt beneath his palm.

  He rubbed his hand on his jeans, trying to replace that memory, but then he thought back to those first few minutes back in his truck after they’d captured Chet. She’d sat fanning her pink cheeks, her breaths coming in little pants. He might have put those two actions down to overexertion if he hadn’t noticed the tightly beaded tips of her tiny breasts poking against her tee.

  Now, his mouth watered, and his fingers tingled. He pushed up from his seat to move around, because he was wound tighter than a spring.

  “I think we should call it a day,” Brian said, glancing at the clock. “It’s nearly six, and you two have to get something to eat.”

  Felicity glanced at Hook, and her cheeks filled with color again. “Sure. I think I can wait to start on installing cameras tomorrow.”

  Hook’s groin tightened and began to feel heavy. “Maybe we should get some takeout,” he heard himself saying. But then, he couldn’t imagine sitting across a table from her and trying to keep up a conversation. He wasn’t that good of an actor. Maybe he could hit the shower the minute they got to their room. He’d take care of his little problem, and then, maybe, he could think about something other than fucking Felicity Gronkowski.

  Before they left, she called to place an order for Chinese food. They picked it up along the way. Both of them moved fast toward the hotel room door. Were they escaping each other or hurrying toward each other? He didn’t know. Could he be the only one feeling like he’d burst if he didn’t get inside her?

  With his hands full of takeout, he waited impatiently as she slid the card through the reader. The second the little light turned green, he felt as though his body had received the “Go” signal. He reached for the latch, pulled it down, then shoved through the door. He walked to the small table in his room and set down the sacks. When his hands were free, he gripped the back of the chair in front of it. “I should get a shower,” he said, not looking at her. When she didn’t speak, he glanced over his shoulder and froze.

  She’d already removed her shirt, and her fingers were twisting the clasp at the front of her bra. His breath caught as the cups parted and her breasts were exposed.

  Her nipples were cherry-colored and puffy. The tips were tightly beaded.

  His cock stirred, filling. “What are you doing?”

  “I thought…” she drew a short, panting breath, “it’s hot.” She cupped her breasts and bent her head.

  He couldn’t let her be embarrassed for wanting him. Not when he was so aroused his cock was fighting his zipper. He reached out with his hand and his claw and dragged her hands away, but he didn’t drop them. Instead, he ringed her wrists and held them out while he stared at her breasts.

  Then he slowly lifted his gaze to hers.

  Her eyelids were lowering, and the green of her eyes darkened. He moved closer and pressed his clothed chest against hers and lowered her hands to clasp them in his claw behind her back. With the other hand freed, he gently laid his palm against one quivering breast.

  “They’re small,” she whispered.

  “Perfect. I want to suck your nipples.”

  She gave a feminine snort. “Talking hard?”


  “I’m all right with that,” she said, and then gasped when he pinched her nipple.

  “My jeans…”

  “Need them gone?” she asked.

  He was glad one of them still had a tongue. He nodded.

  She pulled her hands free of his grip and reached for the button at his waistband. Her fingers slipped inside, sliding against his belly, causing it to jump. She thumbed open the button. Then she gripped the toggle on the zipper and slowly scraped it downward.

  “Tease,” he breathed.

  Her hand slipped into the opening she’d made. “Big,” she whispered as her fingers closed around his shaft.

  He didn’t know whether to laugh or groan. But he needed her naked. And he didn’t want to be fighting with buttons and zippers with his claw. Didn’t want to remind her that he wasn’t whole.

  He gripped the wrist of the hand holding him. “Are we doing this?” he asked.

  Her gaze searched his face. “I sure as hell hope so.”

  “Then let’s strip.”

  She gave a jerking nod and stepped backward.

  She was faster removing her clothes than he was. When he was nude, he stood still, because she stared—not at his arm, but at his chest, his belly, his cock. When her gaze rose to meet his again, her cheeks blushed. “I knew you were built…”

  “You’re beautiful,” he blurted, and then felt his own cheeks burn.

  Her gaze dropped to his prosthetic. “Do you need to remove that?”

  “It can stay. For balance,” he lied, but he really didn’t want to lose it, because he wasn’t ready for her to stare at his stump.

  She moved toward him and shyly reached out both hands to place them against his chest. Then she smoothed one upward to his left shoulder, tracing the strap of the harness. “If I need to hold on to this…?”

  His smile was slow. “Grip it tight if you like.”

  Her smile was sweet, and then she leaned against him, rubbing her small breasts against him. Her eyelids drifted downward as she tilted up her face. “Kiss me, Hook.”

  “Dylan,” he whispered.

  She blinked open her eyes and stared. “That’s a beautiful name.”

  “Say it.”


  He bent and wound his arms around her, careful not to touch her with any cold metal. When his lips touched hers
, heat surged inside him, and he pressed harder and began to glide around and around her plump mouth. When he pulled back his head, he noted that her mouth was still open, still waiting.

  He dove down again and entered her, sliding his tongue between her lips and stroking against hers.

  She moaned into his mouth and pushed her body fully against his.

  He tucked a thigh between her legs and pressed his one hand against her bottom to urge her to grind against him.

  A shiver worked through her body. He felt it. When he came up for air, he knew he was in trouble. “It’s been a long time,” he said softly.

  “For me, too,” she said. “And I haven’t had many partners. Just two.”

  He swallowed hard, trying to think. Then he let out a deep breath. “I don’t have condoms.”

  She stuck her finger under his chin and dug in a nail. “I swear, I’m clean. And I’m on the pill. Have been for years to regulate my monthly. I’m safe.”

  “I am, too. Still, it’s not smart. I should have thought…”

  “Neither of us expected to be here. Like this.” She bit her lower lip. “I’m willing…”

  “I should protect you.”

  “I don’t think I can wait…”

  When he saw tears shimmer in her eyes, he knew he was done. “Come,” he said, and moved backward. He took her hand and walked the few steps to the bed. She reached out and dragged down the coverlet and the top sheet.

  Then she lowered her body and moved to the center of the bed.

  She was so small, he nearly had second thoughts. He wasn’t small. Wasn’t entirely in control. His balls were high and tight. His cock felt as though it was so swollen the skin around it would burst. He knelt on the mattress and crawled toward her, aware that he moved on an arm that wasn’t all arm.

  When he was beside her, she reached out and gripped the strap of his harness, silently urging him to come over her. Her legs parted, and he slipped his knees between them. When he glanced downward at her mound, he knew he had to be there. Leaning on his damaged arm, he reached between her legs to fondle her sex.

  Felicity’s mouth rounded. Her breaths grew choppy.

  He touched moist, hot folds, traced the edges of the thin inner lips, then found her center. He slid one finger inside her and felt her tighten around it. Lord, he wanted to feel that around his cock, but she needed to be as excited, as ready for sex as he was. So, he lowered his mouth to one breast and latched his lips around a puffy nipple. It was softer than velvet against his tongue.