My Immortal Knight V: Uncovering Navarro Read online

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  “Like you got something she ain’t seen a million times?” Moses glanced over his shoulder. “Sidney!”

  “Yes, Moses,” Sidney said, only mildly insulted by his comment.

  “Go find the gentleman a sheet to wear out of here.”

  “Sure,” she said, eager to quit the cooler that smelled more like spoiled potato salad the longer she stayed inside. She headed back to the autopsy room and opened a wall locker standing at one end, drawing out several sheets—the man did look overly modest.

  As she started to shut the door, she noted the white tips of tennis shoes peeking beneath the door. “I wondered if anyone was working here tonight,” she said, closing the cabinet.

  But the face of the person wearing the shoes wasn’t exactly one she expected to see. Instead, she found herself staring at one of the teenagers supposedly dumped into Elliot Bay. And he had friends with him—three equally young and toothy men. She tossed the stack of sheets at the head of the nearest one and spun on her heels. As she rushed for the cooler door, she dug into her pocket for her trusty pen.

  “Our company has arrived,” Navarro murmured, as he helped the third scientist from his body bag.

  The three scientists held their shredded bags in front of them, blinking against the light and murmuring among themselves.

  “Wondered when they’d get here,” Moses muttered. “Showtime.”

  Navarro turned toward the entry of the cooler room and watched four young vampires approach. One pulled along a struggling Sidney. He had a passing thought for the guards that should have radioed their arrival, and then fought not to betray his rage at the rough treatment Sidney was receiving. He’d enjoy killing that particular cub.

  “We’ll be taking the old geeks with us,” the young vampire holding Sidney said.

  Her feet flailed several inches above the ground as she struggled against the arm that locked her against the vampire’s side. “I would have thought you had this covered, Navarro,” she said, her face reddened from her struggle. Her scowl looked as ferocious as a Pekingese.

  “I did, my dear,” Navarro said, keeping his voice calm. “But I’m flexible.”

  “We want the three old guys,” the teen said, his gruesome smile widening. His glance raked over Navarro. “Who are you? Haven’t seen you around.”

  “You wouldn’t. You’re weanlings—mosquitoes.”


  “He’s telling you you’re insignificant navel fuzz, idiot,” Sidney said, wiggling like an eel to escape her captor.

  “Sidney…” Moses’ voice rose in warning.

  The vampire jerked her closer, causing her to gasp. “I could snap you like a twig, but these three are going to want fresh meat.”

  Irritation had Navarro clenching his hands at his sides. “Do you think I’ll let you have them if you harm the girl?”

  “You don’t have to let us do anything. There are four of us and only one of you.”

  “I’m not navel fuzz,” Moses gritted out.

  “You’re human—that makes you only as interesting as my next meal.” The vampire glanced over his shoulder at the three hovering behind him. “Take ’em down.”

  The three teens roared and completed their transformations, their faces crackling as their vampire armor reformed their features into bony armored plates, pushing out their foreheads, elongating their teeth to form jagged, shark-like smiles.

  Navarro tamped down his own monster. He needed all his wits about him, if he was going to safely rescue Sidney from the coward using her as a shield.

  The first vampire stalked toward Moses, then suddenly leapt through the air, taking the big man down. Their scuffle overturned gurneys and dumped bodies to the floor.

  Navarro didn’t move as the other two approached him more cautiously, one breaking off to make a wide circle around him. Navarro closed his eyes.

  “What the fuck are you closing your eyes for?” Sidney called to him. “You’re not Bruce Lee!”

  Navarro smiled at her inane comment and reached—stretching his other sense toward the two young men circling him now.

  The one behind him lunged.

  Navarro saw the arc of the stake coming at his back and leaned to one side. The air whooshed beside him as the man stumbled forward, out of balance from his powerful swing. Fucking freak! he heard the younger man scream in his mind.

  The second vampire roared and flew through the air, a steel blade sliding from his coat sleeve, light glinting off the steel as it swung toward Navarro’s’ neck.

  Navarro’s arm came up under the sweep and shoved the younger man to the side, sending him crashing against the far wall.

  Clearing his head with a shake, the younger vampire leapt once more to his feet and ran full-tilt for him.

  Navarro drew a stake from the sheath at the side of his upper thigh and stabbed backward, impaling him. The young vampire’s dust settled over him like a brown cloud.

  Then Navarro opened his eyes to the vampire picking himself up off the floor in front of him. “I’ll let you live so you can carry a message to your master.”

  “There are still three of us—and I have her!” the vampire holding Sidney screamed, wild-eyed.

  Navarro knew he’d thought this would be an easy conquest and felt his panic. He’d finally realized he wasn’t the one in control. Navarro ignored the agitated vampire and turned to his comrade. “Tell him, he’ll never have the three scientists. They will be under my care.”

  The vampire nodded his head quickly and stumbled out the door.

  “I’ve still got the girl,” the young vampire repeated, pulling Sidney in front of him. He pushed her head to the side, exposing her slender neck. “You know it’d only take one deep bite. I’ll make a trade.”

  Navarro shook his head. “No trade. No deals.”

  “Wait a second. Sounds fair to me,” Sidney said, sounding more annoyed than scared. “It’s not like he wants to kill those three guys.”

  Navarro ignored her comment, staring at the younger vampire—pushing through the psychic membrane that surrounded his mind.

  He heard the pounding of the younger man’s heart, the rush of blood squeezing through his arteries. He felt the sweat trickling between his shoulder blades beneath his coat and on his upper lip.

  Then Navarro saw his thoughts as he imagined his next actions.

  Navarro leapt toward him as he threw Sidney to the floor and launched himself toward Dr. Deats. They met in midair and crashed to the floor, rolling as they fought.

  Navarro met each move with a countermove that soon had the younger vampire subdued beneath him. “A poor choice, going for the doctor. You think I care whether the scientist lives?”

  Fear tightening his mask, the vampire growled, “Who are you?”

  “The one who will send you to your judgment. Tell me who made you.”

  “My master will triumph, and when all are dead I’ll serve at his right hand.”

  “You think him God?”

  “I know he is the fallen angel, and he will rule over the earth.”

  Navarro snorted. “You believe that tired old fairy tale? He lied to you. He’s not Satan. What name does he bear?”

  “You can torture me, but I’ll never tell.”

  “You don’t have to. I see his face. Zachary. Zachary Powell.”

  The vamp blinked in surprise, then snarled, “He will avenge my death!”

  Navarro cocked his head to the side. “Sorry, but this Zachary doesn’t inspire so much as a shudder. Never heard of your archangel,” he lied. “Where can I find him?”

  “Find him yourself. I’ll never tell.”

  No picture was forthcoming. Navarro sighed. “No matter.” He plunged his hand into the younger vampire’s chest, ignoring the man’s screech, and squeezed his fingers around his heart. It burst, and Navarro slumped to the ground as the vampire disintegrated into dust.

  “Holy shit!” Sidney breathed, her face ashen. She clung to the edge of a metal tray, swayi
ng on her feet.

  “We’d better get these three to safety before many more Moonies show up,” Moses said, dusting his vampire off his jacket.

  Dr. Deats raised his hand. “I don’t suppose we can stop for a bite along the way? I’m ravenous.”

  The other two bewildered scientists’ expressions brightened.

  Navarro crossed to Sidney and swung her up into his arms.

  She clung tightly to his neck.

  He gave her quivering body a reassuring squeeze and turned to the others. “Let’s return to my estate. O positive all around.”

  Chapter Five

  “So, would you have gone for him like that if he hadn’t knocked me to the ground?” Sidney asked, plucking at a loose thread on her cuff to avoid looking him in the eye.

  They sat in the library, facing each other once again. This time, she was fully clothed, but felt more naked than the last time. He held all the cards—all the power and the knowledge of what game was unfolding. He also held a royal flush so far as her emotions were concerned. Not that she could have verbalized exactly what those emotions were. All she’d admit now was, no one made her feel safer.

  “Is that your way of asking if I cared whether you lived or died?” He swirled his brandy.

  “I’m not asking if you love me,” she groused. “Just whether you would have sacrificed me. A girl should know where she stands.”

  “I would have cared,” he said quietly.

  That was expansive—not! “But would you have done things differently?”

  He didn’t answer, but a little smile curved his delicious lips.

  Sidney stared at his mouth. The man knew his appeal too well. She was his prisoner again, and he wouldn’t let her slip from his control. While she despaired she’d never get back to her old life and finish her story, she was equally thrilled by being at his mercy. He could do whatever he pleased with her.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t seem inclined to take advantage of that fact. Here she was, a reasonably attractive woman—single, squeaky clean, and fragrant after her shower—and he hadn’t betrayed a single ounce of horniness.

  “You said a name back there at the morgue,” Sidney said, trying to derail her current train of thought. “Zachary Powell. Who is he?”

  Navarro’s gaze narrowed. “Someone you should hope to never meet.”

  “Well, that was enigmatic as hell,” she muttered. “Is he any relation to Nicky Powell?”

  “His brother. How do you know his name?”

  “I met Nicky last Halloween at The Cavern. He’s kind of cute in a creepy way. Moses seemed to think he was one nasty dude.” She glanced directly into his eyes. “He’s a vampire, right?”

  “He was. So is his brother.”

  His economical choice of words chilled her.

  Firelight and darkness painted Navarro as a dark demon. Shadows and red-gold flickers caressed his olive skin. His black clothing faded against the dark well of his chair, yet she knew how powerful and deadly his body was.

  As she’d watched him battle the vamps inside the morgue, he’d looked like a dark champion with his Bruce Lee bursts of reined fire and Matrix-y Neo detachment. The leather coat had only made him appear all the more sinister…and sexy.

  The way he’d quickly vanquished the two vampires at the morgue—with his eyes closed—told her he offered so much more than just a yummy-licious body. What would he be like as a lover? She prayed more Bruce Lee-ish.

  She squirmed on her chair and wished she’d accepted a brandy when he’d offered it. At least, she’d have something to do with her hands. He’d been quiet since she entered his study, but he hadn’t asked her to leave him alone. That was as good as an invitation to stay, so she plopped down opposite him. Only now, she felt awkward and totally transparent.

  Her gaze fell to the hand resting on the curve of the armchair, and she imagined it curled around her breast. Then her glance darted to the hand cupping his brandy snifter as he swirled the amber liquid, and her insides knotted, imagining his fingers swirling on her intimate places. Lord, she had to get out of here. A little Moses might be just what she needed.

  “Have you shared your bed often with our friend Moses?” he asked.

  She jerked and felt heat rush to her cheeks. He’s so damn intuitive, it’s scary. “No. Not often. We’re both busy people.”

  “So any port in the storm will do?” he asked, his voice devoid of any emotional inflection. “I can’t imagine you would go for long without sexual release.”

  Her back stiffened as she tried to hold onto her temper. “If you’re insinuating I’m easy—”

  “Not exactly—just that your appetite is voracious.”

  She hissed out a breath. “It’s all right for a man to seek sex when he wants it, but a woman shouldn’t?”

  “In my experience, a woman’s sexuality is very different from a man’s. More emotionally motivated than physical.”

  “Cut the crap, Navarro. I’m no whore.” Her jaw tightened against a small pain that cramped her belly. She wished she had his detachment and couldn’t be hurt by the insult she’d read in his words. If he’d been anybody else, she’d have flown at him. “I’m choosy about who I sleep with. I like sex—like the workout, the sweat. What’s it to you?” She lifted her chin and narrowed her gaze. “Are you offering to help me out?”

  He lifted one brow, but didn’t reply.

  She realized he’d orchestrated her anger, played her like a fiddle. Her irritation spiked higher.

  “Since I’m keeping you from your usual pursuits, I feel an obligation to provide for your…comfort.”

  “I can see to my own comfort, thanks very much,” she bit out. “After all, there are four other men under this roof.”

  “I warn you about approaching the scientists for sex. They’re still new to this life. Their sexuality and bloodlust are too raw for them to be entirely trustworthy. Their souls survived the transformation intact, but they could get carried away. Especially, since I’m sure they never had as tasty a treat as you in their previous lives.”

  “Thanks for the advice. I’m not likely to expire from lack of sex—besides I can take care of my own needs.”

  “Yes, you do like thumbs,” he murmured, the corners of his lips twitching.

  She glared. “Are you steering our conversation down this road for any particular purpose?”

  “I’m afraid I’m rusty at small talk. I was attempting to extend an invitation.”

  “You want me to sleep with you?”

  He shook his head. “No euphemisms between us. I want to fuck you.”

  Her mouth opened around a gasp. “Since I’m the only woman on this estate at the moment? Am I just any old port?”

  “Not at all. I need to keep closer rein on your actions. To do so, you will need to share my quarters when you sleep. I thought you might be more comfortable with that idea if we fucked beforehand.”

  She shot up from her chair. “That’s about the coldest proposition I’ve ever received. Thanks, but no thanks.” She stalked toward the door.

  As she reached for the knob, she felt the air rush against her back a moment before his tall frame pressed into her.

  “There would be benefits for both of us,” he drawled into her ear.

  Sidney suppressed a shudder at the feel of that wall of muscle blanketing her back. “Maybe, I’m just not that interested,” she said, her voice betraying a telltale quiver of awareness.

  “Tell me you haven’t been curious.” His breath trailed the side of her face and down her neck, and he sniffed. “Your body flowers whenever I’m near.”

  “Maybe I’m thinking about Moses,” she gritted out.

  His hands slid down her sides and gripped her waist hard. “I will tell you I haven’t had another woman in my bed in years—decades, actually. I haven’t had any interest in sharing sex until you arrived on my doorstep. Is that warmer?”

  Her body flooded at the slight violence of his grip. She closed her eyes
and leaned into him. “Getting there,” she whispered. “We’re both adults. Both have needs.”

  “We can help each other and satisfy our appetites—a mutually agreeable arrangement.”

  “An arrangement…” she said faintly. This is what she’d imagined. What she’d known with other men—something wild and physical—no commitments. How come her heart hurt a little at the thought it didn’t mean anything more to him?

  “I’ll share the ultimate kiss with you,” he said, then trailed his lips down her neck. “Share a rapture you’ve never experienced.” He nipped her earlobe.

  A shiver racked her body. “Is it so special? I’ve wondered.”

  “The women I’ve known were willing to risk death for the experience.”

  That sounded so conceited! But she knew he was probably right. “Just because I’ll share your bed doesn’t mean I won’t try to escape again.”

  “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t make the attempt,” he murmured. “But do you think you’ll even have the strength when I’m through?”

  That did it. She was ready now. She turned in his arms, and her fingers loosened the laces at her neckline. While she stared at him, her heart hammering in her chest, she tugged the sweater over her head and dropped it on the floor.

  His arms remained at his sides. Did he intend to watch? She tossed back her hair and slipped off her shoes.

  “So eager?” he asked.

  “Why wait?”

  He tilted his head and gave her a look that was half-amused and half-daring. “Aren’t you afraid we’ll be interrupted here?”

  “The three stooges are playing bridge with Lurch in the kitchen. Besides, I don’t really care if they walk in or not.”

  “You stopped removing your clothes. Can’t you talk and strip at the same time?”

  She liked that little hint of eagerness and opened her jeans, quickly pushing them down her legs. She’d deliberately left off underwear when she’d changed at home after her escape earlier, hoping she’d have an opportunity to shock Navarro. Even while she’d gloated over besting him, she’d known her freedom would be brief. She’d hoped it would come to this moment.


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