Reaper (Montana Bounty Hunters Book 1) Page 5
“Feeling jealous.”
He gripped the wheel tighter. “Got nothin’ to be jealous about.”
“That’s okay,” she said, smiling as she faced forward. “I’d feel a little insulted if I wasn’t having so much fun at your expense. I’d never go for him, you know.”
“Why not?” he ground out. “Women like his looks. And he can talk to them.”
“Maybe most women would,” she said, her heart beating faster. “But he’s not a challenge. Not like you.”
“Think you have me all figured out, do you?”
“Of course not. You catch me by surprise at every turn.” She couldn’t hold back a smile. “I like that.”
His gaze turned toward her, and she looked away. So, maybe her cheeks were blushing. She’d never been this bold with a guy, but Reaper inspired her to tell it like was. She was straight-up attracted to the big guy. Even his surly moods and deadly glares couldn’t put her off.
“She’s headed for groceries.” Reaper flicked his turn signal to follow.
“Maybe I could shadow her. I wouldn’t stick out so much.” She leaned forward to watch the car. “I could see what she buys. Whether she’s buying for two...?”
He pulled into the parking lot, claiming a space on the diagonal from Amanda’s. “I’ll keep watch on her car. Don’t engage with her. Don’t let her see you looking at her, you hear?”
She nodded quickly, having no intentions of drawing attention to herself. Not when Amanda’s boyfriend was a seriously dangerous man. Letting herself out of the car, she removed her holster and set it on the seat.
Reaper frowned, but maybe he figured she was safer without it. Although Montana was an open carry state, some folks still got nervous around armed people in public places. Plus, she’d draw less attention.
His gaze narrowed. “Anything seems hinky, you get the hell out. Just act natural, and you’ll be fine.”
She nodded. “Of course. All I’m going to do is take a peek at her cart.” Giving him a little salute, she headed toward the pneumatic doors. Once inside, she scanned the front of the store but found no sign of Amanda. Where would I go first? Produce? She glanced at the signs on the ceiling and made her way left—after snagging a small basket to carry on her arm.
Amanda was squeezing oranges when she spotted her.
Quickly, Carly discovered pretending to be inconspicuous was hard. She ducked around the corner of an aisle selling potato chips and crackers, placed a few items in her basket before turning the corner again, and discovered that Amanda had moved on. Although her heart pounded, she forced herself to walk sedately and glance at the vegetables as she made her way to the end of the aisle.
Now, Amanda pushed her cart down the beer and wine aisle.
Carly snagged the first bottle within reach and stuck it in her basket, and then watched as Amanda passed the light beers and went straight toward taller, full-bodied beers. Seeing as Amanda was probably a size twelve, and wanted to stay on the low side of double digits, Carly felt certain the beer was meant for a man.
Mission accomplished, she headed out of the store, but she forgot about the basket on her arm until a bell dinged beside the doors. Face reddening, she turned and dropped the basket at the nearest cashier stand. “Sorry. I forgot my wallet,” she said with a weak smile and hurried outside, hoping security wasn’t being called.
When she made it back to Reaper’s car, she pretended complete confidence when she stepped up into the SUV.
His gaze raked her face. “What happened?”
“Nothing. I think she’s definitely buying supplies for a man. She bought a case of tall, cheap beer.”
“Why’s your face red?”
The man was too observant. “Why don’t you mind your own business?”
He grunted and returned his gaze to the store. “You set off that alarm?”
“It blared all the way out here?” She wrinkled her nose and sank against her seat with a sigh. “I forgot I was carrying a basket full of crackers.”
He chuckled. “It’s hard actin’ natural when you don’t feel that way.”
Frowning, she turned her head toward him. “I’d suck at this job.”
“We all have our strengths.” He raised his hands and curled his index fingers. “I suck at ‘personal communications’.”
“Did you just do air quotes?”
He wrinkled his nose. “Did I look ridiculous?”
“A little,” she said, a grin stretching across her mouth.
A familiar figure appeared at the entrance and hurried toward her car.
“There’s our girl,” Reaper said under his breath. He started the engine then waited until Amanda was pulling abreast of their vehicle to snake his hand behind Carly’s neck and pull her toward him for a brief kiss. “Been wanting to do that all day.”
Breathless, she licked her lips. “So, that move wasn’t to disguise our faces in case she saw us later, sitting outside her house?”
“That, too.” With a self-satisfied smirk, he shoved the gearstick into drive.
As soon as they returned to their previous position diagonally across the street from Amanda’s house, Dag let himself in the back passenger door. “You bored yet?” Dag asked. “This is the job. We spend more hours sitting on our asses, waiting to see our marks, than anything else. You going to write about that?”
Carly shrugged. “I can make a daylong stakeout take place in a sentence.”
“So, you making me a hero in your story? I’d even pose for your cover.” He turned his head side to side. “Which side do you think is my best?”
Carly couldn’t help it—she laughed. She’d noted the sparkle in his eye and knew he was doing what he could to annoy Reaper. From the color creeping up Reaper’s neck, his tactic was working.
Reaper let out an exasperated huff. “Seeing as you two have so much to talk about, I’m taking a nap.” With that, he abruptly tilted back his seat, bumping against Dag who’d been sitting forward.
“Guess it’s just you and me, babe,” Dag said with a wink.
Might as well make the most of the opportunity. She reached into her knapsack for her notebook. “If you’ll keep an eye on the house, I have some questions I’d love to ask.”
Dag smiled and turned to gaze out the window.
Carly glanced at Reaper and blinked wide when she spotted him peeking at her. She gave him a subtle wink, just so he knew she knew who she was going home with. Then she turned to Dag. “So, tell me. Why bounty hunting?”
Reaper hadn’t intended to, but he actually fell asleep, despite the easy conversation and laughter that filled his SUV. Regardless of his irritation with Dag, he’d liked listening to their conversation. Carly was clever. She’d managed to learn more about Dag than Reaper had known through three or four years of an association with the rival bounty hunter. She’d even discovered why he’d left A+.
“The owner’s daughter took over. Started being a pain in the ass over expenses and wanted reports about how we found our fugitives. Too much damn paperwork for me.”
Carly tilted her head. “She hot?”
Dag sputtered. “Hot? Nah. Well, if you like redheads with sticks up their as—, uh, asphalt.” He shook his head.
Hmmm. Carly pursed her lips and scribbled.
His girl was hiding a smile. The next time he opened his eyes, the sky was dark outside. He straightened his seat and glanced at his watch. “Shit. I’ve been out for two hours?”
“Yeah, Sleeping Beauty,” Dag said. “Me and Carly are tight now.”
“Besties.” Carly grinned, her teeth flashing white in the dark.
“It’s time we scope out the house. Find our probable cause.” And get this the hell over so he could get Carly back to his place. He turned in his seat and narrowed his gaze. “You stay put,” he said, his voice firm.
“Give me an ear piece so I can hear what’s going on?” she asked.
“Yeah. Got Brian on speed dial?”
“I do. Anything gets ‘hinky’—I’ll give him a call.”
He liked how he was rubbing off on her. Hell, he’d like to rub himself off all over her. Leaning toward her, and ignoring their audience, he gave her quick kiss.
“I knew it,” Dag muttered.
Chapter 5
Dag and Reaper moved to the back of Reaper’s SUV. Reaper opened the back gate and unzipped his duffel with his “go” gear. He pulled out a Kevlar vest and tossed a spare to Dag. Then he clipped his badge to the slot on the front of his vest and picked up the shotgun with the orange stock—his beanbag gun. He’d prefer using it to take down Cummings than fire a bullet with the Glock strapped to his side. “You ready?” he said, giving Dag a charged glance.
Dag patted a hand on his Glock and nodded.
Reaper pulled out a case with the earpieces and handed one to Dag, flipped the switch on another and put it in his ear. Lastly, he moved around to Carly’s window.
She rolled it down and held out her hand.
“Know how to use it?”
Shaking her head, she swiped it off his palm and flipped the switch.
After she placed it in her ear, Reaper tapped her door and headed toward Amanda Berthold’s house.
He signaled with his hand which direction he’d take. Dag moved the opposite way. Reaper liked that he didn’t have to explain himself. Dag was seasoned, and he wasn’t as worried about the other agent getting his ass hurt—not like he was every time he got into a sticky situation with Jamie. Jamie, he cared about.
He moved closer to the house, sliding under a window, then popped up to look between the slats of the blinds to peer inside a living room. The TV blared, set to some hunting channel, but no one was in the room.
Ducking downward, he moved farther along the one-story, box-shaped house. He paused beneath an ice block window, took a breath, and eased upward. The bathroom was dark; no blurred figures inside. Again, he sank and moved, bent at the waist, to the next window.
This time, he hit pay dirt. Even before he looked inside, he knew the room was occupied. The unmistakable sounds of sex—moans, groans, wet slaps—came muffled through the glass. In between the break in the curtains, he observed two figures, moving in the center of the bed. From the back, the man had the same greasy brown, shoulder-length hair as Cummings’ mug shot. “Think we have our guy,” he whispered. “In the back bedroom.”
“All clear, my side of the house,” Dag said, “Coming your way.”
A few seconds later, Dag crouched down beneath the bedroom window.
While Reaper kept watch, Dag bobbed up then down, taking a peek. “Almost seems unfair,” he said, his teeth flashing in the dark. “Might be the last time he gets some.”
“Ah, he’ll get plenty where he’s going.”
They traded grins, knowing Carly was listening in and likely rolling her eyes.
“We sure that’s our dude?” Dag asked.
Reaper bumped up again, just in time to see Cummings standing beside the bed now, facing the window, while Amanda perched on the edge on her hands and knees. Her large tits jiggled as Cummings pounded her from behind.
“It’s our guy all right,” Reaper said, grimacing. “I’ll take the front door. You watch the rear.”
“Think we should call in back-up?”
Reaper shook his head. “He’s not thinking with his big brain. I’ll pick the lock. They’re makin’ enough noise they won’t hear a thing.”
The two men parted, and Reaper headed toward the front door. He ducked down beside the door knob, pulled out his lock pick kit, and quickly opened the door, grateful for the fact Amanda hadn’t turned the deadbolt above the doorknob. “I’m in,” he whispered before moving stealthily through the living room and into the corridor leading to the bedroom. When he stood in the doorway, he raised his shotgun. “Dwayne Cummings, Fugitive Recovery Agent! Raise your hands above your head.”
Amanda squealed.
Groaning, Cummings darted his gaze to the gun on the bedside table.
Reaper stepped deeper into the room. “Don’t even think about it, asshole.” A second later, he heard the crash of the back door and footsteps moving quickly in his direction.
“Right behind you, Reaper.” Dag edged inside around him and stepped toward the weapon.
“Dwayne, you can, um, pull out now,” Reaper muttered.
Carly stood at the edge of the lawn, wishing she could go inside the house and see what was happening.
That last remark from Reaper had her lips twitching, because she’d heard enough of the sounds echoing through the earpiece to know they’d caught Cummings with his pants down.
That scenario has to go in my book!
Too curious to wait to hear about it later, she moved to the side of the house and peeked into the living room window. In her ear, she heard cussing and Amanda crying, and then the rustling of clothes.
“I need shoes,” a male voice said.
“Be glad I’m giving you pants, asshole,” Reaper said in a mean voice.
“Found his shoes,” Dag said. “Amanda, will you put them on?” Dag asked, his tone gentler.
Another minute passed, and then she saw Cummings enter the living room, his hands behind his back and Reaper gripping his upper arm to move him forward.
Dag followed with Amanda beside him in a purple housecoat, her hair a mess, and her makeup running down her face.
When Reaper was at the front door, Carly realized she’d never make it back to the car without him noticing she wasn’t inside. Frozen, she waited, undecided what to do next. The three men exited, crossing the yard just feet from her position, but then she noticed Amanda moving back into the living room. The woman made a beeline to a closet and pulled out a bat.
Carly sucked in a sharp breath and felt for her handgun. Deciding she didn’t want to kill the woman, she reached into her knapsack. Then skirting the house, she hung back at the edge of the porch and waited.
A second later, Amanda ran out of the house, the bat held high above her head, and headed straight for the men.
Taking a deep, calming breath, Carly raised her weapon and fired.
Amanda gasped. A buzzing sounded, and then she dropped like a rock to the ground, her body jerking as electricity ran through her.
“What the fuck?” Reaper roared.
Carly walked calmly toward Amanda’s body and plucked the dart-like electrodes off of Amanda’s backside. Then she kicked away the baseball bat before glancing up at Reaper.
Even in the yellow light cast by the streetlamp, she could tell his face was mottled with fury.
Dag began to laugh.
Cummings cursed.
Reaper stood still, his body vibrating with anger.
“Oops,” she said. “I know I was supposed to stay in the car...” She held up her cellphone. “I’ll just call Brian to let him know we’ll need a local deputy to pick her up.” Turning her back, she quickly made the call then went back to Amanda’s porch to pick up her knapsack, which she’d dropped in her excitement.
Amanda now sat on the ground, crying. “Dwayne, I tried.”
Cummings snorted. “Stupid bitch.”
Amanda cried harder as Reaper jerked away her boyfriend and pushed him toward the SUV.
In the distance, Carly heard sirens.
Dag called out, “Catch!”
She caught the keys he threw then frowned, not understanding.
“We have to get this guy to lockup.” He jerked his head toward the captured man. “You can talk to the cops about Amanda. You’ll need wheels. See you back at the agency.”
A patrol car with its lights flashing pulled into Amanda’s driveway. Another pulled in beside Reaper’s vehicle. Knowing this discussion would take a while, Carly sighed and faced the deputy striding toward her. She held her stun gun upside down by the grip. “Evening, deputy.”
“She fucking shot me in the ass,” Amanda screamed, pointing at Carly. “Arrest her!”
y kicked the bat. “I was just protecting my guys.”
“You a bounty hunter?”
“Nope,” she said in a small voice, because the deputy’s expression was deadpan—not a hint of humanity in his hard glare. Her stomach churned. “I’m a writer.”
The deputy shook his head. “Ma’am, I’m gonna have to take both of you in to get this sorted out. Would you turn around and place your hands behind your back?”
Early the next morning, Carly sat beside Brian in his van as he drove back to Amanda’s house so she could pick up Dag’s car. He hadn’t said a word since she’d been released. No charges had been filed against her. Amanda, however, faced attempted assault charges. She’d be spending the night in the Whitefish City Jail until morning, when she’d either be bonded out or sent to the Flathead County Detention Center.
Either way, she wouldn’t be seeing Dwayne for a while. He was on his way to Great Falls, more than four hours away, accompanied by Reaper and Dag.
Carly blew out a deep breath.
“So, how’s this research gig working out for you?” Brian asked, his tone nonchalant.
Her shoulders sank. “I think Reaper’s pissed. He’s probably done with me. I disobeyed his instructions and put myself in harm’s way.”
“I don’t know how done he is with you,” Brian said, giving her a sideways glance. “He called me right after he hit the road for Great Falls. Told me to bail out your ass then give you the spare house key. Said you’re to sit your ass tight there until he gets home. Pardon my French—those were his words.”
Carly pursed her lips, fighting a smile. It smile, given that she knew he was mad enough he might decide she needed to learn a lesson or two.
However, she couldn’t feel anything but relief since he wasn’t kicking her straight to the door. Maybe he intended to after reading her the riot act, but she figured she had ways to affect his decision.
“So, you tased Cummings’ girlfriend?” Brian said, his teeth gleaming in the light from the dashboard.