Cochise (Montana Bounty Hunters Book 4) Page 4
Cochise cleared his throat.
The new guy turned, his blue gaze sweeping over Cochise. “Hear you were a Ranger, too,” he said. “I was in alpha company, third battalion.
“Third battalion, too. Charlie company.” Cochise held out his hand, but then let it slowly drop when he realized the new guy didn’t have one to shake.
“They call me Hook,” he said, his eyes narrowing, but a hard smile beginning to stretch.
“Hope you weren’t right-handed,” Cochise muttered, holding out his left.
Hook held his gaze for a long moment then laughed as he shook Cochise’s hand. “Yeah. Took some getting used to, but I can fire just fine with my left; just don’t expect to be able to read my handwriting.”
Cochise noted the sleek metal prosthetic, and that the cuff was below the elbow. Hook had been lucky. There were pockmarks and a few small burn scars disappearing under the arm of his tee. “IED?”
“Yeah. In southeast Afghanistan.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” Cochise said, narrowing his gaze. Most amputees he knew didn’t like to be coddled. Best to learn up-front whether Hook still had a sense of humor. “We’ve been short-handed.”
Hook groaned, and then chuckled. “I guess you still are.”
“Glad to see you two are bonding,” Brian muttered wryly and shook his head.
“We ready?” Jamie called out. She glanced at Hook. “You’ll ride with me and Sky. Hope you’re not allergic to dogs, because Tessa’s going, too.” Her glance shot to Sammy. “You bring something we can use for scent, just in case we need it?”
Sammy nodded. “Cochise suggested it.”
Jamie glanced around. “Well, let’s roll. If we start now, we can be in Eureka by early afternoon.”
Back in his truck, Cochise found he was relieved with the travel buddy assignment. Sammy was close by. He’d keep an eye on her. The possessive way he felt didn’t have a thing to do with how she smelled—of strawberry shampoo and her own sweet musk. Or the fact her hair was beginning to curl, escaping its tight band. In casual clothing, as opposed to her uniform and underlying Kevlar, her chest was fuller than he’d thought. His groin began to tighten, so he eased back from wondering what she looked like nude, which was straight where his thoughts had gone back at her apartment when she’d walked out fresh from her shower. At that moment, he’d realized she was just about perfect. Perfect height to rest against him, her head on the edge of his shoulder. Perfect curves. In jeans, her ass appeared more rounded, making his fingers itch. Shit. He was doing it again.
He followed Sky’s SUV out of town.
“So, you’re from around here…?” he murmured, just for something to say, because he didn’t want any awkwardness between them during the drive, and she needed a distraction, so she wouldn’t climb the walls.
“Libby, actually. Dad had a small mechanic’s shop there. Sis and I moved here after they were gone.”
“You said it was just you and your sister...”
She turned her head and glanced out the passenger-side window. “Yeah, Mom and Dad…they died together. Their car broke down in a blizzard. Kind of ironic, huh? Him being a mechanic. Guess he didn’t know how high the snow had gotten. He turned on the engine to keep warm, and they both just…went to sleep.”
“Sorry to hear that.” From the corner of his eye, he watched her shake her head.
“That was nine years ago. The court gave me custody of Sheri when I proved I could support us both. Had to sell our house, though. The proceeds paid our rent for the first couple of years. Then I went to the police academy in Helena. Worked in Bozeman’s PD for a few years. But I wanted to get closer to home, get out of the city. I saw the posting for the deputy’s position in Bear Lodge and applied.”
“It seems like a nice, quiet place to raise a kid.”
“It has been.” She raked a hand through her hair and tugged away the hairband. Her hair spilled around her shoulders. “What about you? What’s your story? How about starting with your name?” She gave him a sideways glance. “Cochise is Apache. That would put you pretty far from home.”
Cochise grimaced. “My mom was Blackfoot from Browning, but she joined the Army after high school and ended up in Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where she met my dad. He was mostly white with a drop of Apache. He didn’t stick.”
“And your mom?”
He sucked in a breath and let it out slowly.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to pry.”
Cochise shook his head. His hands tightened on the steering wheel. He’d been the one to initiate this conversation when he’d asked her personal questions, but he never talked about his past. He wondered if maybe it was because no one had ever dared to ask. “Guess you should know why I won’t rest until your sister’s found,” he said, feeling like he was chewing on the words. “When I was overseas, first tour, there was a home invasion. My mom fought back, and the bastards killed her. They kept my sister alive for a little while.” His jaw tightened as he glanced at Sammy. “Maria was eighteen and in her last year of high school.”
He hadn’t mentioned that to a soul in a long time.
Sammy’s head lowered. “Sorry, Cochise.”
“Yeah. Me, too.”
Sammy cleared her throat. “That her picture clipped to your visor?”
He reached up, flipped down the visor, and slid the photo free.
When he handed it to her, she held it by the edges. “She was beautiful.”
“It was her smile. Everyone noticed that first. It’s what I miss most,” he said, his voice gruff.
She handed him back the photograph, and he slid it under the clip and turned up the visor.
“We’ll find your sister, Sammy. She’s the first priority. Not the bounty.”
“Thank you.”
Her glance went to the side window again. “I’ve lived in Montana all my life. Must be really different from Arizona or Denver.”
Glad for the change of topic, he nodded. “I like it. I don’t plan to go anywhere.” He wasn’t sure why he said that last bit, but she turned her head and smiled. When he placed his hand on the console between them, she placed her hand atop his. With a slight turn, he captured it. Somehow, it felt natural. He blew out a breath and decided to cut to the chase. “I don’t date.”
“I don’t either,” she said, sounding a little breathless. “I have my sister. Having men around…that would just be awkward.”
Tension stretched between them. He knew she was waiting for him to get to the point. He cleared his throat. “I eat.” Jesus, fuck. Could he sound any more ridiculous? From the corner of his eye he watched her press her lips together. Was she trying to hide a smile?
“Um, so do I. Maybe when this is over, we could…eat together?”
He squeezed her hand. “I’d like that. You could bring her.”
She laughed and waved a hand at her face. “It just got hot in here.”
Cochise grinned and gave the road his attention. He didn’t date women. When he got too edgy to stand his own company, he found a bed partner. But with Sammy, he thought he might like something…different. In quiet times, he barely tolerated his own company, but she was easy to be with, despite her sometimes-frosty disposition. Or maybe because of it.
The radio on the dash squawked. “Hey, Cochise. Over,” came Jamie’s voice.
He let go of Sammy’s hand, reached for the radio, and depressed the talk switch. “Yeah, Cochise here, over.”
“Jamie, here. I found a motel near the trailhead Sammy marked where we’ll start our search. We’ll need to contact the park service and local PD to let them know we’ll be out there. Sky and I will check the Ford cabin on the way. I’ll need you to interview park rangers to see if they remember seeing Sheri and her boyfriend. Over.”
From the corner of his eye, he noted Sammy’s nod. “Roger, anything else?”
“Two rooms or one? Queen beds. Over.”
Cochise thought he heard an edge of laughter in her voice.r />
Sammy coughed. “One,” she said in a small voice.
Cochise’s blood quickened. “One, out.” He shot her a glance. “You sure?”
“We’re adults. I’d just as soon not be alone,” she said the last in barely a whisper.
“Roomies, then.”
Her nod was quick. Again, her glance slid away to the road.
For the rest of the trip, Cochise’s mind was filled with images of Sammy—in a T-shirt with her long legs bared. Resting against his chest; his fingers tangling in her curly hair. The one image he shied away from was anything at all happening below the waist, because the pounding pulse in his groin already had him half-hard.
He’d be her best buddy. The shoulder she’d lean on. But after this was done, good intentions would fly. She’d invited him to share a room. It had to mean something.
Chapter 4
After driving through the outskirts of Eureka, Sammy guided Cochise to the park entrance where Sheri and Brady had most likely entered the forest. They questioned the guy at the booth and showed him Sheri’s picture. He didn’t recognize her, but he hadn’t been on duty the day before. He gave them directions to a building where park maps were distributed and rangers familiar with the trails could give advice.
There, they met Farley Whitehead, a park guide, whose bronze skin and near-black hair also marked him as Native American. As he glanced down at the photo, he nodded. “I remember them. Real pretty girl. Goofy guy. They were here yesterday morning. They had a map, camping gear. Told him to watch out for bears.” His dark brows drew together. “They in any trouble?”
Sammy shared a glance with Cochise. “You might want to warn folks a felon might be hiding in the woods here.”
Farley nodded and tapped his cellphone, which was in his front pocket. “Got a bulletin a little while ago. You talking about Luke Ford?”
They nodded.
“You with those bounty hunters who’re tracking him?”
“Yeah,” Cochise said, “and she’s a sheriff’s deputy,” he said, nodding toward Sammy.
“There’s gonna be all kind of law enforcement stomping around the woods, looking for him and advising hikers to leave,” Farley said. “Be careful out there. Your sister should be easy to spot. She had a bright yellow backpack, kind of hurt my eyes. And if I see your sister, I’ll tell her to sit tight someplace safe.”
“Thank you,” Sammy said, reaching out to shake his hand.
“Good luck.”
When they left the building, Sammy shivered although the temperature was warm. “We know where they started. We need Tessa to track them.”
“Have to see what Jamie and Sky turn up first. Let’s head to the motel and dump some of our stuff.”
“We need to hit an outfitter store, too. I need hiking gear.”
Cochise nodded. “I have a backpack and a sleeping bag. You’ll need the same. We also need tack, so we don’t go hungry.”
“Should have MREs for sale there, too.” She pulled out her phone and located an outfitter’s store with everything they needed. “Text Jamie,” she said, “tell them where we’re headed. Ask them if they need us to pick up anything.”
“I’m sure Jamie has all her gear—Tessa’s, too. Let’s just worry about you.”
They hit the store, purchasing a backpack, bedroll, rain poncho, a Camelbak water reservoir, and enough MREs to see them through a couple of days of hiking. At the motel, Sammy hung back while Cochise got the room key. She was having second thoughts about sharing a room with him. Did he think she wanted more than just his company? Did she want more than the comfort his presence gave her?
After he slid the key card into the lock, he shoved open the door and stood back to let her enter first. Ever the gentleman. And he was carrying her bag again.
He set it on one bed then dropped his bag on the other. “I’m gonna grab a quick shower.”
Knowing he’d been up most of the previous night, she didn’t begrudge him the time. She set the large bag with her purchases on the mattress, and then turned away as he drew clothing from his duffel. She didn’t want to see his underwear. If she did, she’d imagine him in it for the rest of their time together.
After the bathroom door closed, she let out a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed. The springs squeaked. Which made her giggle. Good Lord, now she imagined just how noisy it could get in the room.
Sammy shook her head. Why was she thinking about having sex with a guy she barely knew when her sister was out there, possibly in the path of a desperate criminal who got off on hurting women?
She moved to an armchair and sat. The sound of water running was the only noise in the room. For the first time in hours, her mind slowed. This was all too real. She could lose her sister.
Pulling her knees up under her chin, she prayed. “Please be safe, Sheri. I’m coming.”
* * *
Cochise stood under the cool water for a long time, long enough his erection finally waned. After scrubbing up and shaving the scant whiskers on his chin, he rubbed a towel over his hair and dressed in boxers and jeans. When he pulled open the door, his gaze sought out Sammy, who sat on a chair, her eyes wet and widening as they trailed over his bare chest.
A twinge of pain tightened his chest, and he strode toward her. Kneeling beside her chair, he slowly pulled her into his arms and hugged her against his body. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he followed his instincts.
She lowered her legs between them and leaned her chest against his, nuzzling into the corner of his neck. He liked the way she felt. So warm. Solid, with enough padding to please any man. He noted the way her soft breasts mashed against his pecs and wished there weren’t any layers of fabric between them, not because he was ready to pounce on her, but because he wanted to hold her, skin to skin. There was comfort in that.
She moved closer, her thighs opening, and he pulled her off the chair and knelt with her on his lap as she locked her strong legs around his hips. For a long moment, they rested against each other, just breathing. Cochise felt the tension in her body ease.
But then her hips moved in a tiny, shallow grind.
His heartbeat thudded for several beats then quickened.
Her fingers gripped the corners of his shoulders. Without a word spoken between them, he rose and carried her to the bed.
When he went to one knee on the mattress, he pulled back his head to meet her gaze. “This what you want?” he asked, his voice going rough.
She nodded and leaned back to pull her tee over her head.
He unsnapped her bra in the back and helped her draw it off her arms. Then he glanced down, taking in the soft round breasts with their puckered, rose-brown nipples and leaned against her chest. His breath…her breath…left in a long, drawn-out sigh as they moved together.
When her gaze went to his mouth, he took his cue, bending to capture her lips in a kiss that started tentatively but quickly ignited into passion. He scraped his fingers through her thick, curly hair and tilted back her head as he plunged inside her mouth, his tongue stroking hers. Her breasts shivered against him, and he drew back. “More?” he asked, knowing he had to ask, but hoping she wouldn’t step on the brakes.
“Let me up,” she whispered.
Before he had a chance to be disappointed, she stood and toed off her boots. Then she unbuttoned her jeans. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took over, sliding his hands inside to cup her soft ass.
She gave a nervous laugh. “Let me get them off first.”
From inside her jeans, he shoved them downward. He could feel his face hardening along with his cock, and he didn’t want to scare her, but his need rode him with the first sight of her light-brown ruff. When she kicked away her jeans, he lifted his butt and scraped off his own clothing. He slipped a condom from his wallet, smoothed it down his shaft, then scooted backward on the bed, knowing where her gaze was locked.
She followed him, her breasts swaying beneath her as she crawled over him. She must have
been feeling just as desperate as he was, because she didn’t waste any time gripping his cock and positioning it between her folds. Then she slowly sank, taking him inside.
“Oh God,” she whispered as she took him, not stopping until she rested against his groin. “We’re really doing this,” she said, her mouth twitching with a little bit of a smile.
“You are,” he rasped. Then he cupped her breasts and rubbed his thumbs over the hard tips.
She bent over him, placing her hands on his chest. When she began to move, he let go of her to watch her tits bounce as her movements gained in speed.
He loved the wet heat of her. Loved her sighs and moans. But what she did next blew his mind.
She straightened, locked her gaze with his, and lifted her hand, holding it over her left breast. She slapped the underside, jiggling it. Then she thrust her chest forward in invitation.
He wasn’t sure, didn’t want to do the wrong thing, but he reached out and smacked one breast then the other, watching as her face screwed up in pleasure. Encouraged, he slapped her again then tweaked both tips, giving them hard twists. The slackening of her jaw confirmed this was what she needed. A little pain with the pleasure. So, he leaned up to suck one tight nipple between his teeth. He clamped his teeth around the tip and shook his head, growling a bit, because Jesus Christ he was almost at the edge.
Her fingers raked his scalp, her pussy clenched. Her hips moved in slow grinds, and then halted. “Please,” she whispered.
Without any hesitation, he took over, pushing her off his cock and to his side, then coming up to guide her to her hands and knees. When he knelt behind her, he parted her buttocks and slid his cock between them in long teasing glides.
She didn’t shy away, but her hands fisted in the sheets, and she turned her head to the side so that she watched him from the corner of her eye. There was a wariness, a fierce wildness in her expression.
Cochise raised a hand and swatted her ass.
“Again,” she gasped.
He warmed her bottom with swats to both cheeks then clapped upward against her pussy, causing her to cry out.