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Two Wild for Teacher: Lone Star Lovers, Book 6 Page 4
Two Wild for Teacher: Lone Star Lovers, Book 6 Read online
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Mace rose on an elbow and leaned closer. “You’re a pretty woman, Molly Pritchet. But it’s not why we chose you.”
With her expression softening, growing dreamier by the moment, she lifted her gaze to his. “You chose me? That sounds…like you’ve been thinking about this for a while. Like you might want more than just this time.”
“Then it sounded just about right.” He ducked his head and pressed a kiss against her mouth, stifling a moan because her lips were soft and pliant, and opening beneath his. With a gentle tease of his tongue along the bottom lip, he entered her, tasting her fresh breath, enjoying her moist heat while their breaths comingled and grew deeper, charged with lust.
He stroked her tongue, tangling with it, teasing her with short, gliding thrusts, reminding her what the outcome of this would be. When he pulled back, she followed, whimpering at the loss of contact, but settling again, because Jason was petting her belly and nuzzling into the corner of her shoulder.
She reached up a hand to cup Jason’s chin, then pulled his face toward hers to share a deep kiss. Mace’s already tight body hardened like steel. She was a natural—a sweet, giving woman who would never leave one of the brothers wanting. He knew it instinctively.
Hunger riding high, his gaze swept her body as his brother lingered in the kiss. Her breasts were flushed, her reddening nipples taut and dimpled, the tips tight little buds. Her belly had begun to undulate on gentle waves of arousal, lust evident in the sweet, hot fragrance wafting in the air.
He scooted down the bed, palmed a generous mound and latched onto it with his mouth, burrowing deeper as her thighs moved restlessly together.
The kiss ended, and Jason raised his head. His mouth was blurred and red, his eyes a little glazed. The hard edge of his jaw denoted the fact he wasn’t going to be long on patience.
Mace had himself under better control. He pushed Molly to her back, aimed a glare at Jason and urged her legs apart with gentle nudges of his knees. “I know it’s been a while, baby. I’ll go slow.”
She gave a nod, then cupped his shoulders and raised her knees. Her pussy was as lovely as the rest of her, thicker outer lips pink and swollen, a light dusting of dark hair on her mound. The pink petals of her inner folds were a delicious fringe that protruded slightly. He couldn’t wait to suck on them, but that would have to be later, because she was waiting to be filled. Eager for it by the way her belly and thighs quivered.
Planting one hand on the mattress, he gripped his cock, centered it at her opening, then held her lips apart to watch as he slowly sank inside. He bared his teeth, hissing softly between his gritted teeth. “Baby, you have no idea how good this feels.”
The blunt head of his cock stretched her opening, and he gave a little shove, gently breaching it, then plunging inside an inch or two. Slick heat surrounded him. Her pussy clamped down. To hold him? To eject him? He glanced at her face to find her avidly watching his cock sink inside her. Tightening his abdomen, he flexed, giving her another gentle shove, tunneling deeper. “You’re tight,” he growled. “It’s damn near killin’ me. Jason, you’re gonna die.”
Her gaze swept up, caught him staring, and she gave him a tentative smile. “It stings a bit. You’re bigger than anyone I’ve had before.”
Elation filled him as well as a jealous pride. They’d give her something she’d never had. Something that couldn’t be replaced. Settling on his elbows, he dipped his head to give her a hard kiss. “Hold tight, baby.”
She murmured something he didn’t understand, couldn’t hear. Blood was whooshing through his veins. Sweat sprouted on his chest, his face, as he powered into her, pushing deeper and deeper, loving the feel of the gentle clasps her deep channel gave his cock as he entered and withdrew. She was liquid fire and gripping muscle, clenching around his cock so tightly he knew he wouldn’t last a minute longer. He rolled to his side, bringing her with him, then withdrew. “Your turn, bro.”
Her eyes rounded.
“That sounded crass, I know. But I don’t wanna blow. Not yet. You’re not nearly ready.”
She groaned, hiding her face against his chest as Jason lifted her upper thigh and draped it over Mace’s, then came closer, his cock glancing against Mace’s skin before he found her entrance and sank inside.
Mace slid a hand between his and Molly’s body. He spread her folds at the top, forking his fingers to expose her clit, then applied circular pressure to the knot as Jason stroked her from behind, moving in strong, but gentle pulses, then powering harder.
Her body vibrated, jerked. Her breaths grew jagged, held, then blew hard with each deep, powerful lunge of Jason’s hips.
Mace exerted pressure against her lower belly to hold her still, and continued to ply her slippery clit with tender caresses until she shook between them, eyes closed tight, mewling like a kitten.
Her orgasm, when it hit her, was a lovely thing to watch. She came unraveled in an instant, her lush mouth rounding around a silent scream. Her back arched, breasts pushing toward him, her head thrashing on his shoulder then Jason’s as she rocked herself between them.
When her movements and breathing slowed, Jason pulled free and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Mace jutted his hips against her, letting his still rock-hard cock dig into her belly.
Her eyes opened slowly, blinking sleepily until they focused and her gaze landed on him. Tears filled her eyes. “That was incredible.”
“Glad you approve. But, baby, we’re not done.”
Jason tightened his arms to give her a squeeze. “Not by a long shot.”
“Neither of you…?” Her voice held a tinge of dismay.
“Not because we weren’t into it, promise. We wanted to be perfect. To be the best you’ve ever had.”
“Good Lord, you’re both gonna kill me.”
“Rest a little while,” he whispered. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
While her eyelids drifted down, both men stroked her skin, soothing her to sleep. When she began to snore softly, they both grinned.
“Think she knows she snores?” Jason asked, an eyebrow arching.
“No, and you’re never gonna tell her.”
“What are we gonna do while she sleeps?”
For once, Mace thought beyond his aching cock. Molly was prideful and little reluctant to believe they were serious about wanting her for longer than a day or night. She needed a gesture. Something that proved this wasn’t just about fun and games—although he hoped there’d still be plenty of that to come. “I’ve got an idea,” Mace said, pressing a kiss against her forehead before rolling away and onto his feet.
“You with ideas? Should I be scared?”
Mace shrugged. “You’re not the only one she inspires to be a better man.”
Chapter Four
Molly awoke alone with a sheet pulled over her body. She lay for a long moment, wrapped in dreamy memories of her encounter with the twins. They’d been surprisingly selfless. Had seen to her pleasure without pressing for their own.
Thinking of her own bold actions made her blush. Had she really washed them and herself? Stood naked in her backyard in the middle of the day while two men watched, jaws dropping, well-muscled bodies tensing, as she’d teased them with sensuous glides of her hands over her own less than perfect frame?
And good Lord, she’d lain with both flanking her body—sandwiched between two mirror-image Greek gods—and hadn’t died from the pleasure of it…
Speaking of which, she lifted her head and strained to hear where the men were.
However, the house was silent. No footsteps in the hallway. No water running in the bathroom. Not a single muffled voice coming from the yard outside her window.
No. Molly lay perfectly still while her mind whirled. They’d left her. Mace and Jason had snuck out of her bed and left her behind. Job done. Conquest made.
She rolled to her stomach and pulled a pillow over her head to scream into the mattress. The bastards! Everything they’d said, everyth
ing their eyes had intimated had been a big fat lie. They didn’t want her for their own. They’d wanted another notch to carve into their bedpost.
As disappointed as she was, she wasn’t really surprised. Hadn’t she known all along she wasn’t in their league? That she was a momentary thrill? The teacher they’d finally seduced to check off the list of their favorite fantasies?
However, she also wasn’t truly angry. They’d given her more than they’d gotten. She’d fallen asleep before either man had had a chance to come.
She grunted. Almost smiled at that thought. What did she need with a man anyway? Having two was just ridiculous. She’d had her fling. Gotten her mojo back. Now she could move on to more important things, like enjoying her blessed solitude for the rest of the damn summer.
So why did she suddenly feel like crying?
No matter her internal arguments, Molly grieved. For one afternoon, she’d dreamed of having a different life, a different future. One where she was adored as more than a teacher. The way the men had treated her, like she was special, beautiful—incredibly desirable—had made her feel exactly that.
Worse, as she’d drifted off to sleep, she’d remembered the fact that no one had bothered with a condom, and she’d been glad—deep inside, syrupy happy about the oversight. She’d been sure in her little dreamy bubble that she was pregnant. That a child rested inside her. One she could call her own and on whom she’d shower all the love and affection she’d been storing inside herself for years.
“I’m so stupid,” she whispered aloud. But there was no use crying over something she’d never really had. Pushing back the sheet, she decided to shower and get to work before dusk fixing the mess the men had created in her backyard
She’d do something practical, something to keep her mind off the delicious pleasures she’d enjoyed. If she worked really hard, then maybe she’d sleep so well she wouldn’t dream about two blue-eyed liars who’d made her feel more like a woman than she had in years.
The shower was quick. She didn’t allow herself to linger over or touch any of the parts they’d left tender from their touches and thrusts. She dressed in comfortable slacks, a loose T-shirt, slid her glasses on and wrapped a rubber band around her hair to keep it off her neck, because it was still hot outside.
When she stepped through the glass doors and onto her back porch, she drew in a deep, harsh breath. The muddy hole was gone—filled in and dirt tamped down—and so was the black pool liner.
Anger rattled through her, making her shake. They couldn’t have left the hole, making it a bit easier for her to finish the job? And why had they felt the need to move the heavy liner?
She walked around the side of the yard, to the spot where she’d left the liner originally, leaning against the garage—but it wasn’t there either. And it wasn’t inside the garage or in any other part of her yard.
Sweating and getting angrier by the moment, she charged into her house, grabbed her purse and keys and slammed out again, determined to read them both the riot act about poaching other people’s property. “I ought to call the sheriff. Wouldn’t the Logan brothers like that?” But she wouldn’t, all too aware the family had had their share of courtrooms and trouble.
No, she’d seek out Sam Logan, the patient and kind father who’d taken in a brood of hellions!
Stomping on the gas, and wishing her little Scion had a little more oomph so she could leave a trail of rubber as she left her driveway, she pointed her car down the highway toward the Doubletree Ranch.
The little blue Scion’s engine sounded like an overheated lawnmower as it bumped along the gravel drive to halt beside the house. Jason winced as the little car ground to a halt.
“Think she drove in second gear the whole way here?” Sam Logan drawled from the porch where he’d taken a seat on the top step to watch the twins at work.
“Looks like she’s so mad she forgot to change ’em,” Mace said, his voice even. He leaned on the shovel and tilted back his cowboy hat to get a better look.
Jason threw down the bandanna he’d used to wipe sweat from his face and sauntered toward the little car. However, before he could reach for the handle to help her out, she shoved it open hard, hitting the side of his thigh. He grimaced, but forced a smile. “Hey, sugarplum. You get a nice nap?”
It was the wrong thing to say.
Molly’s face screwed up into a fearsome scowl as she flounced out of the vehicle. “You have something of mine.”
Jason clapped a hand over his heart. “It’s beating only for you.”
“Cut the crap, Romeo. You two stole my pond.”
He suppressed a grin because her little hissy-fit was adorable. “Beg to differ. We simply relocated it.”
He stepped aside. Her gaze went to Mace who tamped down another shovel of dirt, filling in the sides around the pond they’d sunk in the front yard, just off the porch.
Mace swiped his forearm over his sweaty face. “Had to use picks, all right. And a backhoe. But she’s ready for water.”
Molly stomped over to the pond liner, now set firmly in the ground. “Well, you can just dig it right up again. That’s mine!” she said, pointing a finger toward it. Then she raised her hand and stubbed her finger against Mace’s chest. “The nerve! Did you romance me for my pond?”
Mace laughed and grabbed her finger, using it to pull her closer.
Her heels dug into the grass, and she resisted, her face getting redder by the second.
Jason walked up behind her, set his hands on her hips and snugged his body close to hers. “Easy, now,” he said softly next to her ear. “We’ll stop teasing. Give us a second to explain.”
She stood rigid between them, her chest heaving with her angry breaths. “There’s nothing you have to say that I want to hear.”
“Yes, there is… Baby, it’s gonna be okay.”
Her head turned, brows still scowling, but something dark and hurt glittered in her eyes. “No more games. No more playing with me. It ends.”
Jason shook his head. “We’re only startin’, baby. But we didn’t do this right. We didn’t expect to be away this long. We would never have deliberately hurt you.”
Mace flung his cowboy hat aside and stepped closer too, trapping her between the two of them. Her hands came up to shove him away, but Mace bent toward her and kissed her.
Leave it to Mace to go straight for her heart.
Jason felt the moment when the anger drained away. Her body swayed, her head tilted back, resting on his shoulder while Mace gave her the kiss she needed. Jason slipped his hands around her belly and hugged her, then began to murmur softly in her ear. “We wanted the pond sunk before you woke. We planned to have you over. Meet the family. Show you the house and the plans we have to make it right for you.”
She whimpered and drew back from Mace’s kiss. Her head turned toward Jason, confusion clouding her sage-colored eyes. “What are you saying?”
“That we didn’t lie, Molly. We want you. Not just for today. Not just for a week. We want forever.”
Mace kissed her cheek. “We love you. We’ve decided you’re the one for us.”
“You’ve decided…?” She shook her head. “That’s ridiculous. I can’t have you both.”
“Why not?” Jason asked, feathering the side of her neck with light kisses. “You want us. We’re good together—fuck, better than good. And we’ll spend our lives makin’ you happy.”
“But you don’t know me. This is too quick.”
“We know you want a family. Kids of your own. So do we.”
Her body stiffened again. “Kids who won’t know who their daddy is?”
Jason glided his hands up to cup her breasts, not to arouse, but to soothe, then slid them again, one curving around her shoulder, the other on her hip. “Does it matter? We’ll both be their father. We shared a womb. We damn near share the same mind, and we both want you.”
Molly stayed silent and s
o still that Jason worried they’d gone about this whole thing the wrong way. That they’d blown their chances with her by rushing her.
“I wouldn’t be able to teach anymore…” she said weakly.
Not an emphatic no to his suggestion. He breathed a little easier and gave his brother a stare to tell him to let him handle this.
Mace’s lips tightened, but he nodded.
Jason sighed. “What we want isn’t wrong, Molly. But one of us will marry you. If you want to keep teachin’, we can keep secret the fact you’re sharin’ a bed with both of us.”
Her head shook side to side, but her body was relaxing, leaning into his caresses. “But that wouldn’t be fair. Not to one of you. And I couldn’t keep a secret that big. Not when I kiss one of you, then the next day kiss the other where people can see.”
“Folks can’t keep us straight anyway. How’d they know?”
“They’d know,” she said, her voice softening to a whisper, “because when the two of you are together, I can’t help myself…”
“Can’t help what, sweetheart?” he said just as quietly.
Her head dipped. “I can’t help what you make me want. I can’t help touching you. Kissing you. Melting like goo if you give me a wink.”
Mace’s expression changed, love gleaming in his eyes, concern etching the edge of his jaw.
Jason kissed her cheek again and hugged her. “Do you love us?” he asked softly.
“I shouldn’t. It’s too soon.”
A silly excuse, given how long this moment had been in the making. “It’s not. We’ve known each other for years. Think, Molly. You haven’t taken a lover in all that time. You waited for us.”
Her head shook again. “I was busy.”
Mace leaned in, rubbing his forehead against hers. “Busy waitin’ for us to grow up?”