Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Team Page 3
“Only because we weren’t there yet.”
“Oh, Harry already told us he’d break our dicks if we went anywhere near your pussy,” Sam called out.
“Your pussy’s mine,” Harry said, no give in his hard tone.
I wanted to return to his previous conversation. “You let me watch you with those other girls…”
“Because I wanted you to want me.”
I held still, not breathing. “You could have just told me.”
“And have you get weird around me if you didn’t feel the same?”
“But I wasn’t…like them.”
“What weren’t you? A cheerleader? A party girl? Baby, despite what just went down, what we’re still going to do, you aren’t just some girl I’ve wanted to bang.” He rubbed his thumb across my lower lip. “By the way, this week’s it. Last chance to dance with any other guy.”
“Why’s that?” I whispered.
“Because when we get back, you’re with me.”
I wasn’t sure my heart could take it. “But, you’re my brother.”
“You didn’t think about that before you climbed on my cock?”
I shook my head, my cheeks flushing.
“I don’t think of you as my sister. Haven’t since the first time you watched me bone Clara Wright.”
“That’s a long time.”
“I’ve been waiting for you to grow up. For you to see me. Know what’s here for you.”
My pussy clenched around him. My eyelids dipped for just a second. The feel of him inside me was too good to ignore. “Maybe, I need to know whether I’ll be happy…with what’s here for me.”
He cupped my cheek. “Baby, you wanna be fucked?”
I nodded, my eyes filling. “Yes, please.”
“Mind if they watch? I want to make sure this is branded in their brains.”
“I don’t mind. Just hurry.”
There was laughter from the other guys. But it felt distant, muted. My heart was beating in my ear. My sight was filled with Harry’s expression—at once, hot and tender.
He cuddled me against his chest and rolled, coming over me, his cock still deeply embedded. “Put your legs around me, baby. Hold me tight.”
I obeyed, loving the crush of his chest against my tight breasts and the changed angle of his penetration. I couldn’t believe I was there, beneath him. Filled with him. My gaze clung to his.
“Dude, you haven’t even kissed her.” That came from Karo, his tone filled with wry humor.
Harry’s gaze dropped to my mouth.
I licked my bottom lip, already hungry for him to take me. When he bent his head, I raised mine, meeting him halfway. Our lips blended, rubbing in delicious circles until I gasped and opened. His body tensed a moment before he stroked his tongue inward. I sucked on it, eliciting a moan and soft muffled laugh.
He raised his head. “I’ll want you to do that somewhere else.”
“As often as you like…” I promised.
“While you’re doing my homework?”
“I can multitask.”
“Fuck, Mary. I love your smart mouth.”
“I love your dick, Harry. Now, concentrate.”
With laughter surrounding us, Harry finally moved, pulling nearly free, then plunging hard inside me.
I gave a little yelp, but when he looked alarmed, I dug my nails into his ass. “Harder.” I squeezed around him, wanting him to let go.
“Don’t want to hurt you, Mary. You haven’t fucked a guy since you did that pimple-faced boy in high school.”
“How do you know who I fucked?”
“Because I had my spies. Everywhere. I’m your brother; I had to watch out for you.”
“Not doing such a great job now,” I muttered. I trailed my fingers toward the center of his ass, then stuck one finger in the crevice, rubbing downward until I touched his hole. Then I burrowed inside. Just the tip, but it was enough he shivered.
“Make me stop.”
He cussed under his breath and began pounding at me, forcing me to remove the offending finger. Not that I minded. Fuck, I didn’t mind at all. I flew, my legs straightening and falling to either side, anything to allow him room to hammer harder, deeper. He scooped up my butt and his grip bit into my soft flesh, but I wanted it. Wanted more.
He withdrew abruptly, moved to my side and rolled me to my belly. I went to all fours and gripped the bedding hard as he reentered me and hammered harder.
A hand glided under by belly. I shot a glance to my side. Karo. He smiled and rubbed my clit. And that was all it took. My back sank as I tossed back my head and screamed.
When I woke, the bed was filled. Sam spooned my back. Harry’s chest was under my cheek. Mal and Karo sat with their backs to the headboard. All gazes were on me.
“We have the week,” Mal said. “To do what we want. You still game?”
“And after?” I asked, my throat a little raw.
“It never happened,” Sam said, his hands clutching my breasts. He bit my shoulder. “You made me blow Mal.”
Mal chuckled. “No telling what else she’s gonna want.”
I arched a brow, knowing he was telling me he’d like more “embarrassing” moments. “Guess I’ll have to make sure you never breathe a word. None of you.”
Harry kissed my forehead. “I’m thinking I’ll be spending more time at your place when we get home.”
“You think?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“But how will we take care of your fetish for voyeurism?”
He gave me a deadly glare. “Think they’re going to mind watching us fuck once in a while?”
“And if I want to watch them fuck some girl?”
He grunted. “Might have to widen our secret circle.”
“You don’t mind that folks will say you’re fucking your sister?”
“I’ll put them straight. No blood. No sister.”
“And our parents…?”
“Your mom put me in charge of keeping you safe. Said she’s always known how I feel about you.”
A weight lifted. One I hadn’t realized I’d carried. “Harry?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I’m glad you knew it was me.”
He smoothed his hands over my slim curves. “You do this for me?”
“Yes. I wanted you to look at me the way you did those other girls.”
“You didn’t have to. I liked your curves. Like this too,” he said, slapping my ass. “Don’t think you have to look different to be with me. I kind of like the idea of no one having a clue just how sexy you are.”
“Too bad. I like the fact I can keep up with you now. All those hours in the gym—” I yawned.
His chuckle lifted the hair beside my ear. “Don’t sleep now. You made a promise to Sam.”
I jerked up my head. “He can’t.”
A kiss smacked against my shoulder. “I have lube. By the time I’m through fingering that hole, you’re gonna beg for it.”
I groaned and hid my face against Harry’s shoulder.
“This is your fault, you know,” he whispered.
“I never thought it would go so far.”
“Still doesn’t have to. You can say no.”
I studied his expression. “Do you want me to say no?”
He slowly shook his head. “I want to watch your face. And I plan to be here,” he said, cupping my pussy, “when he comes inside you.”
My breath caught. This was going to happen, and he was into it too. “How can you be okay with all of this?”
He shrugged. “These are my guys. My brothers. They’ve been with me every step of the way—listening when I talked about how fucking hard you made me. They know every way I plan to have you.”
“But you’re letting them have me too.”
“I’m making you part of this family, baby. Think they won’t love you like I do?”
I turned to glance over my shoulder at Sam. “Do I still h
ave to wash your jock straps?” His one-sided grin warmed me inside and out.
“I’ll let you watch me masturbate.” He shrugged. “That doesn’t do it for you, I’ll give you a foot rub.”
I thought about that for a moment. “If I do something for you…”
“I’ll give you something in return. That’s how it works.”
I could already imagine a list of things he could do to repay me. “Then you can have my ass.”
“This is going to be a process, darlin’.” He rubbed my little rosette with a fingertip. “This ass is too tight. But I think by week’s end, you’ll be ready.”
“I’ll never be ready,” I murmured. “But you can keep doing that.”
A month later, I lay in my bed, the sound of Harry showering in the distance. The cover lifted behind me. Large warm hands surrounded my breasts. “Mornin’, Karo,” I said, snuggling my butt against his crotch. There was no mistaking his hard cock for anyone else’s.
He licked the side of neck. “Got a problem you can solve.”
“Have to ask Harry,” I said then sighed. It really was nice having a human heater against my back.
The bathroom door swished open. “What the hell are you doing to my girl?”
Karo grunted. “Not a thing unless you say it’s okay.”
Harry grinned. He raised a brow to me.
“Don’t look at me. I was minding my own business, trying to catch a few more zzz’s when this asshole climbed into bed with me.” I wiggled my ass to give Karo’s cock a rub, letting him know silently I hadn’t meant my grumpy tone.
“I’m wearing a condom,” Karo said.
“See?” I teased. “He’s being considerate.”
Harry shook his head and whipped back the covers. “She rides,” he said.
Karo fell away, and I quickly went to my knees to wrap my arms around my boyfriend’s shoulders. “You are the best.”
“Anything to keep you happy,” he said with wry humor.
I moved back and patted the side of the bed. “Sit and watch?”
“I can do better than that.” He lay on his side, resting on one elbow, watching intently as I raised my thigh and straddled Karo.
Karo placed himself at my opening and held my hips as I slid down his cock.
Harry reached over and thumbed my clit.
I gave him a blazing smile as I began my second ride of the morning.
About Delilah Devlin
Delilah Devlin is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of erotica and sexy romance with a rapidly expanding reputation for writing deliciously edgy stories with complex characters. She has published over a hundred fifty erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths, and she is published by Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Cleis Press, Ellora’s Cave, Grand Central, Harlequin Spice, HarperCollins: Mischief, Kensington, Kindle, Kindle Worlds, Montlake Romance, Running Press, and Samhain Publishing.
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Excerpt from DREAM OF ME
Ash stared after his disappearing figure. Sam Blalock seemed nice enough, on the surface. And he’d been a friend of Marc’s. She knew she should trust him. But something about the way he’d studied her with his short glances throughout the drive irritated. She’d noted them from the corner of her eye while she’d pretended not to notice.
An element about him was familiar. Something that drew her toward him. And she resented the fact he was attractive, if not overtly handsome. He was too rugged, his jaw too square and stubborn, his nose bumpy from being broken. And his voice was too inviting—warm and deep, a little raspy.
Maybe she resented him because he felt familiar, because several aspects about him reminded her of Marc. That realization had her stiffening against his friendly overtures, almost from the start. Her attraction felt like a betrayal—of Marc, of her own body.
She set her duffel on the soft, flower-sprigged duvet covering the king-sized bed and jerked open the zipper. Her clothing and toiletries were a wild jumble. She’d simply tossed items into her bag, hurrying to escape her apartment. Sighing, she lifted the bag and emptied the contents onto the bed.
Her navy and white, two-piece swimsuit landed on top of the pile. Of course, she wasn’t going swimming in the middle of the night with a stranger. That was plain crazy.
But through the glass door, she could hear the gentle lapping of the waves and smell the sea-fresh air. And moonlight glinted silver on the porch railing and over the crests of the distant waves. She fingered the suit. A swim would feel lovely. How long since she’d swam in salt water? Years. Which was why even the mention of the less-than-pristine beaches of Grand Isle hadn’t seemed so bad when Marc had teased her.
Marc had wanted to bring her here. He’d still want her to enjoy the accommodations he’d arranged. She knew that for a fact. And she would be safer with his friend’s company, at least while swimming in a dark ocean.
Just as she had in her apartment, she quit thinking, and instead moved in jerking dashes, grabbing her suit and heading to the bathroom to change. Inside a minute, she walked barefoot out the French doors, down the wooden steps to the paved path that lead through a tiny garden and to the gate that opened onto the sand.
Sam had been faster. She saw his frame outlined by the moonlight, a large dark shadow that caused her breath to catch. From the back, his build was so like Marc’s that she pressed a hand to a painful twinge twisting in her chest.
He stood at the edge of the water, waves lapping at his ankles. Her feet made soft crunching sounds in the sand, so he turned and smiled. “You can swim, right?”
“Think an ex-SEAL would tolerate a girlfriend who couldn’t?” she quipped, then blinked in surprise that she’d dredged up a barb.
His teeth flashed white. “After you,” he said, turning to the side as she strode closer.
A long strip of beach offered plenty of room to play, but her inner minx coaxed her into passing close by his body as she walked into the waves. Maybe she wanted to see if she could make him uncomfortable. Maybe she just wanted a closer look at what the moonlight defined in silver and shadow.
For months, she hadn’t felt a spark of curiosity about another human being. But here she was, wondering about this man who stood so still she couldn’t detect the rise and fall of his chest as she passed.
A foamy wave lapped at her toes, and she almost groaned. The sensation was like wet silk. Glorious. And now she wanted it wrapped around her entire body. She took several more steps then dove into an oncoming wave.
She swam to the middle of the inlet, then rolled to her back and floated, letting the gentle swells lift and lower her body while she stared at the starry sky above. It seemed like all the stars of the Milky Way winked down on her. What would this night have been like if Marc had lived?
She had no doubt he’d have cajoled her into a swim upon their arrival. And maybe talked her into making love in the shallows. Lord, how she missed his spontaneity. His joy of simple pleasures. Mostly, she missed the way he looked at her—like she was something beautiful and mysterious. How often had he asked what she was thinking, because he wanted to know how her mind worked, to learn what made her happy. He was always so observant—of her and their surroundings. How had he missed the figure hidden behind the door?
Chilled now, she dropped her feet and dog-paddled, staring at the light blinking in the window of the cottage Marc had secured for their getaway. She was glad of the darkness that hid the tears welling in her eyes. She dipped her head backward, and then shook her hair.
“Ready to swim back?” came the deep timbre of the voice beside her. Not Marc’s, because it didn’t hold the same note of silky, Cajun warmth. Sam’s voice was brisk. Deep, b
ut the sound didn’t send shivers down her spine. Was she disappointed?
She forced a slight smile and turned to look at him. His arms swept forward and back, holding him in place beside her. How long had he been watching her? This time, a slight shiver did roll down her back. His gaze was steady. He was studying her. Was that a SEAL thing? Had Marc’s intense interest in her been a habit born of his training?
“I think so,” she said. “I should get some rest. I haven’t slept since…” She shook her head at the inability to remember when. Yesterday morning, she’d dragged herself from her sofa to see Melanie Oats, but she hadn’t really slept that well. Her dreams had been fitful, causing her to turn and waken every time her heart beat faster and her legs felt leaden.
“I hope you enjoyed it. I swim often. Fish, too. Off the rocks,” he said, pointing toward boulders at one end of the beach, an outcropping that stretched into the water. “When I’m here, anyway.”
“Are you gone a lot?”
“Sometimes more than others. When duty calls…”
She nodded. “Guess I’ll head back.” She struck out again, this time for shore. Slower now because fatigue had taken hold. By the time her toes touched the sand, her body felt heavy. She realized she hadn’t brought along a towel, so she stood and squeezed the water from her hair.
Sam paused beside her. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
“There’s no need,” she said, her tone abrupt. She was glad of the darkness that hid her blush at her rudeness. Sam had been nothing but kind.
“Maybe not,” he said before giving her quick smile. He strode forward, bent to pick up a towel he’d left on the beach and held it out.
Feeling his gaze touch her body, she felt self-conscious for the first time, realizing how little she wore and the fact he could likely see her nipples tightening against the stretchy swimsuit fabric. She quickly wrapped the towel around her body and walked beside him toward her bungalow.
“Sweet dreams, Ash,” he said softly before he turned to leave her.
Her body stiffened and she stood, staring after his tall figure. Why had he mentioned dreams?
See all the Uncharted SEALs stories…