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Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4 Page 2
Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4 Read online
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The longing in her dark eyes, and the way her mouth parted around her quickening breaths, had jealousy streaking through him. She hadn’t reacted that way to him. She hadn’t gone all soft and dewy. She’d turned up her nose and stiffened her back.
Ezra tamped down his sudden anger. He and his brothers had entered a pact. If one of them earned an advantage, they’d use it to help the others in this battle for her heart. They’d all thought he’d be the one to punch through her reserve. He’d been her first boyfriend. He’d been her first lover and the one who’d tempted her into sharing.
Maybe that was the problem. Chrissi blamed him for her fall from grace.
Chapter Two
Josh Kinzie watched the truck drive along the last hundred yards of gravel road before bumping over a cattle guard and into the fenced yard. He made out two figures in the cab—the bear-like figure of his brother and a slender, dark-haired feminine one sitting beside him.
Ezra had done it. Gotten Chrissi into the truck. With a little help from him. While Chrissi had been busy with Ms. Dunstan, he’d been busy making sure her radiator hose sprang a leak.
He pulled the reins to the right, whipping his horse around, and let out a loud “Yee-haw!” before racing toward the house. He pulled back when he neared the front porch and slid from the saddle to the ground in one fluid glide.
Cade sat on the top step, squinting against the sun as he watched the truck come to a stop. “We may still hit a snag, bro.”
Josh glanced back at the truck. The couple inside appeared to be arguing.
“Not a good sign if he can’t even get her out of the truck,” Cade muttered.
Josh snorted, not too worried. He remembered how Ezra and Chrissi bumped heads in the old days. “Ezra may not be one for sweet-talk, but he does have a way of makin’ the ladies do exactly what he wants. Eventually.”
Cade grunted. “Chrissi’s grown a metal-plated backbone.”
“Our girl’s all grown up.”
They shared a glance, but turned to the sound of a door slamming.
Ezra crammed his cowboy hat on his head and walked around the truck, his features stern and his jaw grinding.
The sound of a click made Josh choke down a bark of laughter. “Did she just lock him out of his own truck?”
Cade grinned. “Won’t do her any good. Though I think he’s only givin’ her a chance to behave. He’s got the keys in his hand.”
“Still, she’s playin’ with fire.” Everyone knew you didn’t defy Ezra Kinzie and expect to come out unscathed.
The two younger brothers watched, amusement growing, as Ezra cussed softly and tried the handle again.
“Chrissi,” Ezra said, his voice deepening in warning, “thought you wanted to use that phone.”
Even through the windshield, Josh could see the stubborn tilt of her chin.
Dark humor glinted in Chrissi’s eyes. “I’m thinkin’ I’d be better off usin’ your truck to get back to town all by myself.”
Ezra held up the keys. “Woman, how do you plan on doin’ that? Do you know how to hot-wire a truck?” He tugged off his hat and raked a hand through his short, dark hair. “You were fine a minute ago. What the hell changed?”
Through the windshield, her gaze shifted to the two men on the porch and held.
Josh cussed under his breath.
Cade stood and brushed off his jeans. “Guess it might help if we made ourselves scarce for a couple o’ minutes.”
Josh grabbed up his horse’s reins and spared one last look at Chrissi.
Her gaze met his, and her eyebrows furrowed into a fierce scowl. He tipped his hat to her and ambled toward the barn. Not looking back once.
It was hard pretending he was relaxed and indifferent to her anger. While she’d blatantly ignored Ezra and Cade over the years, she hadn’t been quite as harsh with him, giving him the occasional subtle nod or tight smile.
He’d thought maybe she didn’t hold as deep a grudge against him because he’d always been the one eager to soothe her bruised feelings, the one to coax a smile when things got out of hand with Ezra. And everyone always thought of him as the little brother, even though he and Cade had been born only minutes apart. That fact afforded him a little extra leniency with the ladies.
Josh cupped himself, readjusting his cock. Yeah, relaxed was the last thing he’d felt for days since they’d hatched this wild-ass plan. He tugged on the reins, pulling his trembling horse behind him. Sooner he turned him over to one of the ranch hands to walk, the better.
He didn’t like leaving everything in Ezra’s capable hands when Chrissi was on a tear—even though Ezra had always been the one who could bend a woman to his will, usually with just a look.
Josh ignored a pang of worry over the fact his brother’s naturally dominating will didn’t appear to be working at the moment. Chrissi was here. Within reach. One of them would shatter the armor she’d built around her heart.
Chrissi watched Josh lead away his tall roan gelding and breathed a sigh of relief. She’d thought her worst fears had already been realized when Ezra arrived to rescue her. Seeing Josh and Cade, in close proximity to Ezra, had sent her body into apoplectic shock, stirring up all those old memories.
Foremost in her mind, she remembered skinny-dipping in the river with them. Innocent enough since Ezra was her boyfriend and had approved. And how could she resist when the three brothers had eagerly shed their clothes?
Sweet Jesus, the three of them, so alike and yet so different… She’d gotten love-drunk on the sight of them.
Ezra, older by only a year than the other two, had always seemed so much more mature. His body even then had been broad and sturdy—ripped from his shoulders to his calves. His size and strength had always made her feel safe, except during sex—but then his largeness and sexual intensity thrilled her, frightened her almost, she’d wanted him that badly.
Cade had been the quiet one. The nice one. Always courteous, always respectful, but his slow smile, so seldom seen, had had the power to melt her to her toes. And although the most reserved of the three, the memory of being held inside the circle of his strong arms whenever she’d suffered a fright was a cherished one.
And Josh, dear God, Josh was the golden child. Blond where the other two were dark-haired, his tall, lean body and the wicked glint in his crystal blue eyes, as though he was always ready for an adventure, had never failed to make her hot. How many times had she smoothed her thumb over that dimple in the center of his chin and warned him not to break a woman’s heart? Why hadn’t she taken her own damn advice?
That day by the river, the sight of their tall, tanned bodies, lined up prettier than any Chippendales’ review, had sucked the air right out of her lungs.
She hadn’t been as eager to get naked, feeling a little insecure among so much perfection, but they’d teased her, joking with each other, jostling and shoving until she’d laughed at their antics and joined them.
Even then she’d felt their combined illicit allure. Her nipples had prickled, her sex had tightened—but she’d been relieved to know she wasn’t the only one affected as each of the boys’ cocks had hardened.
They’d laughed, as though it was the most natural thing in the world to watch each other get hard. Her stare had lingered as she assessed their size, the slight upward curve of their shafts, the ruddy tan color that gave way to a reddish-purple at their fat, round crowns. When they’d grown silent, she’d dared an upward glance.
Ezra’s steamy blue gaze had locked with hers. “Not anything to be ashamed of, Chrissi. We’re guys. It’s what happens when we’re around a pretty girl. Only you can’t always see it when we’re dressed.”
She’d thought about that often, wondering how many men walked around with hard-ons inspired by a stray glimpse of an attractive woman. Not something she wanted to think about, considering she’d been living like a nun for a very long time.
“Open the door,” Ezra repeated, his voice sounding as rough as gravel. She
shivered at the quiet intensity of his order. Even after all this time, she wanted to do exactly what he asked. However, she knew where her submission would lead.
She folded her arms over her chest and looked away.
The locks sprung. The door slammed open. Startled, she glanced up, but Ezra already had her wrist inside his hand and was pulling her from the seat.
She slid to the ground, stumbled against him, and felt that rock-hard chest she’d sighed over for years. Resisting the temptation to explore, she shoved away.
“You always this stubborn?” he bit out.
She tossed back her head. “Guess you don’t know me as well as you thought.”
“I know more than you think, Chrissi.”
She arched an eyebrow. “You don’t know me. You haven’t for a very long time.”
“I know you’re wet.”
Her jaw sagged.
He turned on his heel and walked away.
“Am not,” she whispered furiously. She turned to pick up her purse where it had fallen from her lap to the dirt and closed the cab door. Then, stiffening her backbone, she strode toward the porch.
The screen door slammed behind him as he walked inside without giving her a backward glance. She hated it when he did that, pretended his mama hadn’t taught him any manners, because she knew it was deliberate. Something he did when she disobeyed him. A punishment.
And he knew she liked punishment.
She gave a silent moan and climbed the steps. The sooner she placed that call the better. Already she felt some of her carefully erected reserve crumbling away beneath the liquid heat her proximity to Kinzie testosterone generated.
Entering the house, she noted that not much had changed since Mr. and Mrs. Kinzie had moved to Padre Island to enjoy their retirement. That had happened after Cade and Josh graduated; Ezra had already been in charge for a couple of years.
And word was that Ezra was a capable rancher. Fair to his employees and as hard-working as any hand. So were Josh and Cade, although Josh liked his playtime.
She’d heard about his exploits, all the women he’d been through. Gossip about the other two had been harder to glean, but she knew they hadn’t been celibate for long after she’d departed their lives.
Even though it had been her decision, she’d still been hurt. She’d nursed an aching heart for a very long time. However, she knew she’d done the right thing. There wasn’t anywhere their relationship could go but straight to hell.
She glanced around, looking for a phone, but her attention was caught by the warmth of familiar surroundings. Wooden floors, yellow walls, brown leather sofas and Indian rugs were cozy and inviting, even if the tall, vaulted ceiling and huge iron chandelier hinted at their wealth. The Kinzies didn’t act like boys who’d been born with silver spoons in their mouths. They’d been raised to work hard. Something she’d liked about them from the start. Raised by a single mom on a tight budget, she hadn’t let her head be turned by their wealth.
“It’s nice seein’ you here again.”
She turned to find Josh right behind her. How had he gotten here so quickly? He was a big man, as tall as his brothers if a little leaner, but he moved with a pantherish grace. “You still like sneakin’ up on women, I see.”
His lopsided grin made her heart do a flip-flop. The dimple in the center of his chin kept him from being too beautiful, and lent him a roguish appeal. She’d never been able to hold a grudge against him. His boyish charm was infectious and got him out of all sorts of scrapes.
“I didn’t sneak up on you. You seemed lost in thought. You remembering us?”
“Remembering what?” she deadpanned.
He arched an eyebrow. “Remember who you’re talkin’ to, missy. I knew all your secrets.”
Including one big fat secret that had spelled the end of all her dreams. “And you blabbed them to your brothers. You shouldn’t have told, Josh.”
“I am truly sorry about that. It wasn’t the time. I know that now.”
“There was never a right time for what we did,” she whispered harshly. She glanced blindly around, looking for a telephone. “Dammit, I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to use your phone.”
Josh’s gaze slid away, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, there’s gonna be a slight problem with that…”
She swung back. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Ezra removed all the phones from the house.”
Josh reached behind him and pulled something from his pocket. When he held up a screwdriver, he gave her a sheepish shrug. “I was in charge of disablin’ your car.”
Her eyes widened, and her heart began to thump hard inside her chest. “And Cade?” she asked, her tightening throat. “What was his part?”
“Oh, Cade was in charge of gettin’ the room ready for you.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“We’re kidnappin’ you, kitten.” His grin was wide, joyous even.
She stared at him like he’d grown two heads. “Are you insane?” she shouted. “You’ll be arrested!”
“Only if you press charges. We’re hopin’ you won’t.”
She shook her head, dumbfounded. Her face was hot, her stomach lurching. Hadn’t this been exactly what she’d been afraid of? “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
His grin vanished. “Through here,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the bathroom just off the entrance.
Chrissi accepted the push of his hand at the back of her neck, bending over the bowl to empty her stomach. When she straightened, he handed her a moistened washcloth.
“Not the reaction we expected,” he said quietly as she washed her hot face.
“What the hell did you expect?” she said, embarrassed and aiming a deadly glare his way.
Josh shrugged. “A lot of hollerin’.”
“Ya think? Take me home.”
He drew in a slow breath, all expression draining from his face. In place of his usual, affable smile, his tight features resembled Ezra’s more than she would have believed. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. We made a pact.”
“A pact?” She knew she was echoing him, sounding stupid, but she still couldn’t get her head around what was happening to her.
“All or nothin’,” he said, nodding.
“All of what?”
She didn’t need it spelled out. She got his meaning in one hot second. “Then it’s nothing,” she croaked, her mouth drying instantly.
“We aren’t acceptin’ your answer. Not until Sunday. So don’t even try to talk us out of it.”
“You won’t get away with this. When I don’t show back up at the office—”
“Macy’s in on it. She’s not callin’ the cops. She thinks Ezra’s makin’ a play to get you back. She thinks it’s romantic.”
“Macy doesn’t have a heart. She’d never think a kidnappin’ was romantic.”
Josh’s lips twitched. “They sent me to sweet-talk her.”
“Bastard,” she whispered, knowing exactly how Macy must have reacted. When Josh turned on the charm, there wasn’t a woman who wouldn’t melt. Even hardhearted Macy.
“You always said I had a silver tongue.”
“But I bet it was your smile that did her in.” She could have bit her lip for admitting that because his eyelids drifted down to give her a smoky glance.
“Does my smile bother you?”
“I’m immune.”
“I don’t believe you.”
Yeah, she was a big, fat liar. She needed a little space to shore up those crumbling walls. “I have to pee.”
He gave her a nod. “There’s a new toothbrush in the drawer for you too. I’ll be outside.”
Listening? Like hell. “You don’t have to hover over me. I’m not gonna throw up again.”
“We aren’t leavin’ you alone this weekend. Not for a minute.”
She shook her head, suddenly weary o
f thinking and of fighting the inevitable. “Why?”
“Because Ezra seems to think we bother you.”
“Then wouldn’t you want to bother me less?”
“Not that kind of bother. He thinks we still turn you on.”
Chrissi felt ready to scream. Seven years, and they still read her like a book. “Ezra’s an idiot. The only thing you three do is drive me crazy.”
“Oh, I hope so, kitten.”
She slammed the door in his face.
Cade sauntered up to Josh, who leaned against the wall next to the bathroom door. “How’s she?”
“She threw up when I told what we’d done.”
Cade grimaced. “Hell, do you think it’s just food poisonin’?” Or could they really have frightened her so much she’d emptied her stomach? Cade didn’t want to feel sorry for her. They had a plan they’d vowed to stick to no matter how pitiful she acted.
Josh grunted. “Think Ezra’s right? That she makes a big show of avoidin’ us because she never got over what happened?”
Cade glanced away and let out a deep breath. “Ezra knew her best. How about I take over now to reacquaint myself.”
Josh gave him a quick smile. “Sounds like a good idea. She’s a little perturbed with me at the moment. Where’s Ezra?”
“Where do you think?”
“I might join him for a lap or two. Might relax me.”
Cade watched Josh stride away to the pool, then leaned an ear against the door. He heard harsh mutters, a couple “dammits” and a “bastard”. He felt a smile stretch his mouth. She couldn’t be too scared if she was cussing rather than crying. The doorknob turned and he backed away, wiping his expression clear.
She glanced up, giving him a quick once-over before she met his gaze. “You the next shift?”
“I am,” he said agreeably. “Thought I’d ask if you wanted a drink?”