Big Bad Wolf Read online

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  She’d felt every twitch, every pulse of blood into his dick. He’d remained in wolfskin throughout the process, which meant his fur continued to abrade her delicate labia. Now, she was hot and itchy down there. Worse, her clit throbbed, remaining erect. Something he’d known, because after a few minutes of silence, he’d reached between her legs and rubbed a wet finger over the distended knot, giving her another short, sharp orgasm.

  If she were honest with herself, she’d admit she’d never in her life, or after, experienced anything like the pleasure he’d given her. That knowledge didn’t sit well.

  At last, she turned onto the narrow road leading to her house. For the duration of this campaign, the wolves would occupy her home, Viper’s last den. She and a small crew of vampires had cleared out the mattresses with their bloodstained tops, the sofas, and loveseats that reeked of sex and blood. They’d thoroughly cleaned the place. Anything that might be abhorrent to a wolf’s keen sense of smell had been removed.

  Viper had sprung for new furnishings throughout the house, except for inside her bedroom. That one room was already sacrosanct, off-limits to her friends. There, the remnants of her former life decorated the walls. The quilt her mother had made for her remained atop her twin-size bed. Her study desk was covered in her track and gymnastic trophies and a treasured family photo. Her music collection, and all her family’s photo albums, filled the shelves of her bookcase.

  When Viper claimed her home as a den to replace the one that had gone up in flames, she’d added bolts and locks to the door to keep everyone out of her bedroom. Because she always bathed before entering, only the fading, lingering scents of her childhood remained inside that room. She drove around the circular drive and parked.

  The wolves parked their vehicles in a line behind hers, Viper’s at the very end.

  He loped from his car, catching up as she stomped up the porch stairs. “Ginnie, what gives?” he asked, pitching his voice low.

  She snorted. Like the wolves couldn’t still hear them. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  He shook his head. “Did he force you?” he whispered.

  “Worse,” she whispered back, wrinkling her nose. “He tricked me.”

  Viper arched a dark brow. “You thought he was human?”

  “Until I bit.”

  He grimaced. “Fuck.”

  “Yeah.” She forced her voice a little louder. “I need a drink to get rid of the taste.”

  “I’ll join you.” He opened the screen door and held it for her.

  She fumbled with the keys, painfully aware a dozen wolves slowly trailed behind her, filling her porch.

  “You know you can stay at Navarro’s.”

  Ginnie shook her head. The thought of being cooped up with Viper and his new-old wife Mariah sat like a rock in her belly. She’d nurtured a serious crush on Viper over the months since he’d saved her life by turning her. They’d had sex a few times, but he’d never really let her get close. They’d never shared a bed past the moment the fucking stopped. She knew he cared about her, but that feeling was only because he’d been forced to turn her and felt responsible. He’d provided her a job at the club so she could keep her home and her car. Although most feared Viper, because he was an extremely dark dude, she never had—not since he’d cradled her against his chest when she lay bleeding to death after a small band of Zachary Powell’s followers invaded her home and took the lives of her father, mother, and baby brother in one horrific night. He’d held her and offered her a choice: Become one of them or die. He’d even promised to make her passing peaceful.

  For Ginnie, gazing upward into his eyes as her spirit drained, he’d looked like an angel. She’d wanted to be like him; more importantly, she wanted to be with him. But eventually, she’d come to realize Viper would only ever love one woman.

  “Stay at the estate,” he whispered.

  Jaw tightening, she shook her head. “This is my home.” She rammed the key in the lock and pushed open the door. She didn’t wait to let the wolves inside, simply strode to the bar at the far end of the large living room and took down two glasses. She poured whiskey then dangled a glass for Viper.

  He accepted it then moved to the wall and turned on the lights. Not that they were needed. Vamps and wolves both saw very well in limited lighting.

  The wolves gathered, spreading around the room and dropping duffels beside their feet.

  Calum stood in front of the group, their seeming leader. His gaze glittered as it locked with hers. “Where do you want us to stow our things?”

  Meaning, Where will we be sleeping? His gaze dipped to her mouth, and she tightened her lips. Not with me, shithead.

  Viper cleared his throat, drawing Calum’s gaze.

  She relaxed her shoulders, realizing she’d held them stiffly.

  “The upstairs floor has four rooms,” Viper said. “You can bed two to a room in three of them. The one with the lock on the door is off-limits. It belongs to your host.” He tilted his head toward Ginnie. “The couch here in the living room pulls out. We have air mattresses, still in the boxes, inside the mudroom. You’ll have to make do here in the living room or in what was the dining area. It’s been cleared of furniture.”

  Calum dipped his head then shot a glance behind him. All the wolves nodded their agreement to the arrangements.

  “The refrigerators in the kitchen and the mudroom have been stocked. The pantry’s full. There’s a freezer as well. Staff will be here to clean and restock during the day. It’s a human service team—so no messing with them.” Viper paused and gave his scariest scowl. “And no messing with Ginnie. This is her home. Have some respect.”

  Calum’s eyes narrowed. “Fine. When do we meet with the council?”

  “You’ll meet one of them in an hour. Get your things stowed. I’m afraid no one will get rest tonight.”

  Calum’s mouth stretched into a snarl. “We work best at night.”

  “As do we,” Viper said with a nod. “We’ll be meeting with Master Navarro, and he’ll assign sectors of the city to be reconned. We’re glad you’re here. Your skills are needed to find Powell’s lair and end him.”

  Calum’s gaze darkened. “He and his brother made promises they never intended to keep. They left us to bear the brunt of their betrayals. As a result, many of our pack were killed on Dark Mountain. We want him and his followers dead every bit as much as you do. It’s why we’re here.”

  Again, Viper nodded. “We’ll leave in fifteen, wolves.”

  Ginnie didn’t breathe deeply until the wolves disappeared upstairs and into the back of the house, claiming beds and stowing their belongings. Already, her house felt different. And it certainly smelled different.

  “Want me to have a word with Calum?” Viper asked, his expression set.

  Ginnie bared her fangs. “I don’t need you to fight my battles. He won’t be a problem.”

  His gaze narrowed. “Navarro won’t be pleased if their leader winds up dead and the pack becomes a problem.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I promise not to kill him.”

  Viper clapped his hand atop her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “Thanks for doing this. Your place made sense, being on the outskirts with forest surrounding it. They can easily roam out of sight when they need to shake out their fur.”

  And the reminder about fur made her itchy down there again. “I have to shower.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  She lowered her brows and her voice. “Don’t you breathe a word to the others.”

  “Won’t have to…” Viper said, arching a brow.

  Which was true. Unless Calum washed and changed. Fuck. She didn’t like it when her private life was made public. “I’m changing. See you in five.”


  Later that night, Calum’s mood swung dark. The pack had gathered at Navarro’s private estate, and then had been divided into small units and matched with vampires, before departing to begin the first patrols. All of the teams were armed with guns and crossbows. All carried radios for hourly checks.

  Calum and his packmate, Ephraim Reid, were accompanied by Viper and Ginnie. He’d been surprised when he’d been placed on the same team with her, but thought maybe the lushly-figured blonde who’d made the team assignments was playing with Ginnie, because she kept biting her lip to keep from smiling.

  Callum had been watching Ginnie when Emmy O’Hara made the assignment. She’d grimaced, and her back had gone ramrod straight. When his gaze darted to Navarro, he’d found the vampire master’s cold gaze resting on him. He knew they’d fucked. Emmy must have known as well. Even though he’d washed up and changed clothes, and Ginnie had, too. However, Calum didn’t protest the arrangement, preferring that Ginnie be with him. To keep her safe.

  Navarro’s head had tilted, his eyes narrowing—as though he’d read his thoughts. And maybe he had. Vampires often had a special talent, and mindreading was one he’d heard was possible. Good to know.

  At the moment, their four-person team patrolled the area near The Cavern. They roamed the warehouse district, spreading out and losing sight of one another, but never losing scent or the ability to hear the rest of the team. Calum wished he could roam in wolfskin, but Navarro had warned he didn’t want Zachary Powell aware of the wolves’ presence in the city.

  Calum moved through the darkness, his nose lifted to the air, seeking vampires’ almond scent, but having already excluded Viper’s and Ginnie’s more complex and singular smells.

  He jogged along a six-foot chain link fence and came to a padlocked gate. With one hand on a post, he swung up and over the fence, then continued toward a row of darkened warehouses. Clattering of toenails on pavement sounded, and Calum turned to greet two German Shepherds who growled
deep in their chests, their lips pulled back to display their impressive bites.

  Calum smirked, let his wolf’s teeth descend, then gave a deeper growl as he bared his fangs and raised his arms, fingers curved like claws, to make himself look bigger. The dogs hesitated, stepping back before moving forward again, this time lower to the ground.

  Their fear was palpable, but their natures wouldn’t allow them to retreat so quickly. So, Calum went down to his knees, and let out a little more of his beast, not enough to pop his fur, but to give him voice, and then he let out a loud wolf call, followed by deeper, more intimidating growls.

  This time, the dogs hunkered with their bellies scraping the ground, their ears laying flat. When they crawled closer and whined, signaling their submission. Calum reached out a hand and patted their heads. The dogs licked his palm then turned to hurry away. Confrontation handled, he pushed to his feet.

  “Nice trick,” Ginnie’s voice called out. She stood on the opposite side of the fence.

  “Not a trick. I was just letting them know I didn’t want to be bothered, and I wouldn’t be bothering them.”

  “Is coming inside safe?” she asked, canting her head.

  He shrugged. “If you’re with me. But you can outrun them anyway.”

  She squatted and launched herself upward, easily clearing the fence to land beside him. When she straightened, she tilted her head toward the buildings. “Let’s search. We’ve almost finished this sector. Haven’t found a damn thing.”

  Rather than breaking off, she kept beside him. They moved between the buildings, checking windows, seeking any sign or scent of activity that would lead them to the place where Zachary Powell and his minions might be hiding or where the scientists his people had turned were working on creating more into winged demons.

  When they were nearly finished with their search, Ginnie cleared her throat. “About when we get back to my house…”

  Calum had expected her to broach the subject of sleeping arrangements. He’d overheard her conversation with Viper and had noted Navarro’s silent warning. Viper and Navarro were both aware something had transpired between them. And while he understood she was still angry over the fact he’d tricked her, he wasn’t finished playing with her.

  The truth was, Ginnie fascinated him. He’d known since he’d first set eyes on her that she was tough, a warrior, but he’d caught a glimpse of her spirit when she was vulnerable, when they’d been tied. Lying so silently, barely breathing, her body trembling with rage and desire. He’d been unable to resist allowing his cock to swell to keep her close a little longer. Once she’d taken her bite and learned the truth, she should have pushed away. At that moment, she could have separated. He would have allowed it. But she’d writhed and pumped harder against him, inciting a snarling possessiveness inside him.

  From the moment she’d recognized what he was, he’d been determined to dominate her. Not something he was particularly proud of, but he was a wolf and tended to go with his instincts, and ancient instinct drove him to mark her and to claim her. She didn’t know it but, for the time he had in Seattle, she was his. Still, they had a game to play, and she had to reconcile with her fierce pride. “I claimed the master bedroom. Since I’m the acting pack leader, I’ll have it to myself.”

  Her breath hitched. “I’ll be sleeping in my own room. Don’t even think—”

  “I know vampires are pretty much dead to the world in the daylight. But the second you’re awake, I want you to know—I’ll be waiting for you.”

  She huffed a breath. “Then you’ll be waiting a long goddamn time.” She walked faster, leaving him behind.

  A smile tugged at his mouth. Unexpected. Because he’d had little to laugh about lately. This mission hadn’t been one he’d been eager to undertake. Leaving his solitude, mixing with vampires—he’d been a surly bastard throughout the entire road trip from North Carolina.

  Everything had changed the second he’d met her.

  Abruptly, Ginnie halted and whirled to face him. “Why did you do it? Werewolves hate us.”

  Slowly, he closed the distance. When he stood near enough she had to lift her chin to maintain her glare, he bent closer. “I had to know your nature. How you treated humans.”

  Her breaths were getting threadier. “And what did you discover?” she asked, her voice smaller.

  “That you’re respectful. You had needs, but you took the time to make sure I understood what you were and what you wanted of me. You gave me choices.”

  She frowned. “I don’t like that you lied.”

  “I never said I was human,” he murmured with a shake of his head.

  “You lied by omission,” she bit out.

  His gaze flickered over her flared nostrils, her rapidly moving chest. “And yet…you want me—”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  Undeterred, he reached for her hand. She tried to tug it away, but he held firm, pulling it toward him and flattening her palm against his erection. “As I want you.” He bent lower and rubbed his beard against one side of her face before turning to capture her mouth. Her lips firmed in rejection, but he could feel her tremble. He cupped one small, round breast and squeezed.

  She gasped, and he stroked inside, making sure to rake his tongue over the tips of her fangs. Blood entered her mouth, and she groaned and sucked on his tongue.

  Calum gripped her hips and pulled her upward. Her legs cinched around his hips. Backing her up against cool metal siding, he pressed his clothed cock against her, pumping as she rubbed her chest against his and rocked her hips in opposition to his thrusts.

  That quickly, desire exploded.

  A throat cleared.

  Calum jerked his head toward the sound.

  Viper stood in the shadows, his eyes glowing. “We’re done here.”

  When he walked away, Ginnie moaned and rested her forehead on Calum’s shoulder for all of a second before pushing against his chest. “Let me down,” she said, her voice gruff.

  Reluctantly, Calum backed away from the wall and released her. He cleared his expression, afraid his feral anger would be…off-putting. Inside, however, satisfaction flared. She wanted him. Something she’d have to fight hard to deny.

  He followed her as she stomped back to the gate. Smiling, he caught sight of Ephraim on the other side of the fence. His friend’s scowl was menacing and directed right at him. His pack wouldn’t understand this. They might even challenge him over the fact he wanted to sleep with the enemy. They’d thought the first time, in the club, was pretty damn funny, because they’d guessed that he’d tricked her.

  For him to deliberately seek out her bed, and be so damn eager to have her again—that wasn’t an action they’d overlook.

  Calum let out a deep breath and leapt over the fence. Ephraim fell in step with him as he headed back toward the dock area where they’d left their vehicle.

  “I can’t believe you,” he said, his whispers harsh. “Fucking hypocrite. You were the one who didn’t want this mission. You said, ‘Let the vamps kill each other. Who the fuck cares?’”

  Calum gritted his teeth but refused to explain himself.

  Ephraim clamped a hand on his shoulder and shoved him around. His face was twisted into an ugly sneer. “Vamp pussy so good you’re forgetting what they did to us?”

  Calum swept out a foot at Ephraim’s shins, knocking him sideways. Then he pushed him to the ground and held him there, dominating him. “I haven’t forgotten a damn thing. These bastards killed my brother,” he whispered harshly. “But we were to blame as well. We agreed to help Powell. We entered a bargain with a devil. The only reason I’m here is to exact revenge on that bastard.”

  “Working with Navarro and his bloodsuckers!” Ephraim spat. “I’m here because the elders said we had to go, but you’re fucking one of them. What the hell would they say?”

  Calum’s stomach knotted. He knew all too well what he risked. He bent closer to hiss in his friend’s ear. “Keep the fuck away from her. Keep your opinions behind your teeth if you want to keep your fangs in your head.”

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