True Heart Page 10
She opened, moaning as his tongue swept inside her mouth. I can do this. Keep it light. Dammit, Charli, keep it light.
Her hand slid across the top of his shoulder; her fingers snuck beneath his hat to pull his hair. And just that quickly, the sweet, sexy tenor of the kiss changed.
Lonny groaned into her mouth.
Her thighs opened, and he slid his between them, resuming the grinding pressure that had broken through her walls while they’d danced.
When his hand palmed her breast, she laughed against his mouth. She was as horny as a teenager, uncaring who saw them standing like this.
I should stop him now. I should. Oh God, I should…
His hand slid down her belly and slipped open her belt, unbuttoning her jeans, and then his fingers were gliding down the front of her panties. They cupped her mound.
Shocked, she grabbed his wrist to stop him and drew her head back. “That’s…far enough.”
He held still, his hand warming her sex. “Sorry, I pushed.” But he didn’t withdraw, just stood there, his breaths coming fast.
“Your hand…”
“Likes where it is.”
A snort of laughter broke the tension inside her. “Seems we’re at an impasse, cowboy.”
“Let me pleasure you.”
Her breath caught at the slight movement of one of his fingers as it delved into the top of her folds. Without consciously agreeing, she widened her thighs again, making room for him.
Her head fell back against warm metal. “Don’t think I’ll let you do more.”
“I’m not asking for anything in return. Just relax.”
With the stars blanketing the sky behind him, she relented, closing her mind to all her worries, to her embarrassment. His finger teased moisture from her folds and swirled atop her clit. The contrast between his calloused pad and soft, measured motions drew a sigh.
“You’re prettier than you know,” he whispered, leaning a shoulder against the truck to block the view of what he was doing should anyone exit the bar.
She had a hard time forming words to deny his claim. At this moment, she did indeed feel pretty, wholly feminine, as he plied her hardening knot with ever-firming caresses. “I’m older than you.”
“I noticed.”
“Not nice.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Because you don’t have to worry about me thinking there’s more to this?”
He nipped her nose and then her bottom lip. “I like a smart woman, one with experience. I’m not always the smartest guy.”
“You want some woman to take care of you?”
“Same as I’d take care of her. Aren’t I takin’ care of you now?”
She smiled, but his finger pressed hard. Her lips puckered around a sharper breath.
“That too much?”
She shook her head. “More,” she whispered.
A hand cupped one breast, massaging it, soothing her as her hips began to move, deepening his intimate caress. Quivers worked their way up her thighs to her belly, and she gasped and turned her face away. It was one thing to allow a stranger to finger her, quite another for him to watch the vulnerability creep across her face as she came.
“Gettin’ close?” he rasped, nearer now.
“Let’s not talk.”
“You don’t have to say or do a thing. My gift. I’m pretty good at pleasuring a woman. Like using more than a finger though. If we had a bed, I’d spread you out, use my tongue, my teeth. There wouldn’t be a part of you I wouldn’t tease.”
“Jesus, stop talkin’.” Too late. The images were branded in her mind. Her naked, his brawny body bent over her sex.
One last, swirling scrape, and she jerked, a tiny whimper leaking between her bitten lips. He held her up when her knees weakened and leaned her head against his chest as he slowly withdrew his hand.
When he cupped her chin and raised her face, she didn’t try to argue with him again. They kissed—a carnal mating which left them both dragging air into starved lungs as he straightened. He waited while she set her clothing to rights, then opened the door of her truck and handed her up into the cab. “Sure you’re okay to drive?”
Dazed, she nodded. “I’m fine.” She felt like she should say something else, but thanks didn’t feel appropriate.
He didn’t seem to need an acknowledgement of his gift, tipping the brim of his hat and turning away—but not before she saw his grin.
He looked very pleased with himself but not quite smug.
Her own lips were softly curved as she pulled away from the parking lot and onto the lonely highway.